Tác giả: David F. Ford, Mike Higton
Ký hiệu tác giả: FO-D
DDC: 232.1 - Chúa Giêsu (Kitô học)
Ngôn ngữ: Anh
Số cuốn: 1

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Mã số: 617BC0008857
Nhà xuất bản: Oxford University Press
Năm xuất bản: 2002
Khổ sách: 24
Số trang: 572
Kho sách: Ban Thần
Tình trạng: Hiện có
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General Introduction I
PART I. Biblical and Patristic: To AD 451  
A. The Life of Jesus  
I. Canonical 13
1. The Birth of the Messiah 13
2. Jesus' Baptism 14
3. Parables of the Kingdom 14
4. The Beatitudes 15
5. The Lord's Prayer 15
6. The Little Apocalypse 16
7. Casting out Demons 16
8. Healing the Sick 17
9. The Feeding of the Five Thousand 18
10. Calming the Storm 18
11. Peter's Confession 19
12. The Transfiguration 19
13. The Way, the Truth, and the Life 20
14. The Last Supper 21
15. The Garden of Gethsemane 21
16. The Crucifixion 22
17. The Resurrection 22
18. The Road to Emmaus 23
19. The Great Commission 24
20. The Ascension 25
II. Extra-Canonical 25
21. Other Words 26
22. Other Deeds 26
23. Jesus as a Child 27
24. Jesus as gnostic Teacher 28
25. Jesus' Appearance 30
26. Jesus Rising 31
B. Jesus the Saviour  
I. Jesus Saves 33
27. God's Light 33
28. The Enduring Rock 34
29. The Sacrificial Lamb 35
30. Our King and Helper 36
31. The Variety of Salvation 37
32. Adoring the Cross 38
II. Participating in Christ 39
33. Christ in his People 39
34. The Body of Christ 40
35. Dying with Christ 41
36. Eating Christ 42
37. Helping Christ 43
38. The Whole Christ 44
III. The Sweet Exchange 46
39. Emptying and Exaltation 46
40. The Sweet Exchange 46
41. Likeness for Likeness 48
42. Washing the Washer 48
43. Born for Rebirth 49
44. Enslaved for Slaves 49
IV. Unveiling  50
45. The Unveiling of Christ 50
46. Baptismal Renovation 51
47. Restoring the Image 52
48. Desire and Knowledge 54
49. Christ the Sun 56
V. Christ and the Cosmos 56
50. Christ and Creation 57
51. Recapitulation 57
52. Reversing Adam 59
C. Typology and Apology  
I. Jesus and Judaism 60
53. The Servant of the Lord Foretold 60
54. Shadow and True Form 61
55. The True Passover 62
56. Spiritual Meaning 64
57. A Jewish Report 66
58. Yeshu's Guilt 66
II. Against the Pagans 67
59. The Foolishness of Wisdom 67
60. The Offence of Incarnation 68
61. Roman Persecution 68
62. Christ the Judge Foretold 70
63. The Seeds of the Logos 71
64. A Vergilian Baptism 72
65. The Fount of Light 73
D. the Development of Christology  
66. In the Beginning 76
I. True Humanity 77
67. True Suffering 77
68. Christ Uncrucified 78
69. Jesus's Continence 79
70. True Flesh 80
71. True Embodiment 82
II. True Divinity 84
72. The Paradox of Incarnation 84
73. The Ineffability of Incarnation 85
74. The Making of the Son 86
75. Against Arius 87
76. The Consubstantial Son 88
77. Arianism Resurgent 88
78. Homoian Arianism 89
79. Neo-Arianism 90
80. Nicene Renaissance 91
III. Toward Chalcedon 91
81. Full humanity 91
82. Divinity and Humanity in the Gospels 93
83. The Birth of the Messiah 95
84. Assumption of Humanity 96
85. Two Natures United 98
86. Unconfused and Inseparable 100
PART 2: Byzantine and Early Medieval: 451-1208  
A. Contemplating Christ  
I. Transfiguration and Ascent 105
87. The Light of Christ's Face 105
88. The Hope of Glory 106
89. A Shining Garment 107
90. Eagerly Seeking Christ 108
91. Illumined by the Passion 110
II. Jesus Prayer 111
92. Ceaseless Meditation 111
93. The Heart's Occupation 112
III. Meditation and Humility 113
94. We Beheld his Glory 113
95. Let us Follow 114
96. Sharing Christ's Anguish 115
97. Christ Born in the Soul 116
98 Christ Little and Weak 117
B. Christ and Culture  
99. The Unburning Culture 118
100. Son of the Cool Wind 119
101. Helm of Heaven 120
102. Our Chevalier 121
C. Byzantine and Early Medieval Debates  
I. After Chalcedon 123
103. Christ is not Two 123
104. The Diversity in Christ 124
105. The Hypostatic Union 126
106. Two Wills in Christ 127
107. The Orthodox faith 128
II. Adoring Christ's Humanity 129
108. On Divine Images 130
109. Mementoes of Christ 131
III. Western Christology 132
110. Against Ambiguity 133
111. Christ's Adoptive Humanity 134
112. Christ's Adopted Body 135
113.  Christological Vision 136
114. Christ's Death as Satisfaction 137
115. Christ's Death the Fount of Love 139
116. Against Adoption 140
IV. The Eucharist 142
117. Tasting Flesh and Blood 142
118. The Figure of a Mystery 143
119. Making Christ's Body 144
D. Christ beyond Christianity  
I. Jewish 146
120. Discrediting 146
121. Disputing Christ 149
II. Zoroastrian 150
122. The Implausibility of Incarnation 150
III. Islamic 151
123. The Qur'an 151
124. Muhammad and Christ 152
125. Christ and Sufism 153
126. The Wisdom of Jesus 153
PART 3: Later Medieval and Renaissance: 1209-1516  
A. Following Christ  
I. Remembrance 157
127. Bethlehem at Greccio 157
128. Gift of the Magi 158
129. Christ's Appearance 161
130. Jesus the Prophet 162
131. Jesus's Escape from Folly 163
132. The Magnitude of Christ's Sorrow 165
133. Christ's Seven Afflictions 166
134. Savage Torture 169
135. The Crucifixion Deception 171
136. The Return to Heaven 172
137. Christ Triumphant 172
II. Meditation 174
138. Intoxicated by Christ 174
139. Suckling Christ 175
140. Continuous Contemplation 175
141. To See the Face of Christ 177
142. The Soul's Journey into God 178
143. Christ's Sweet Mercy 180
144. Drinking from Christ 182
III. Imitation 183
145. Imitating the Humility 183
156. Wounded with Christ 184
147. Imitation over Contemplation 184
148. Modern Devotion  185
149. Christ a Ladder 186
150. Attaining to Likeness of Christ 187
151. Passing through Christ's Life 189
IV. The Love of Christ 189
152. Christ our Mother 189
153. Christ's Labour Pains 191
154. Jesus the Friend 192
B. The Benefits of Christ's Passion  
155. Christ's daily Huminity 194
156. Transubstantiation 195
157. Corpus Christi 195
158. Merit and Satisfaction 197
159. Christ's Heartbeats 200
160. Christ's Maximal humanity 201
C. Jesus and Judaism  
161. No Revelation in Jesus 203
162. The Jews not Deicides 204
PART 4: Reformation and Counter- Reformation: 1517-1600  
A. Christ and his Benefits  
163. Against Scholasticism 209
164. Sin, Grace and Salvation 210
165. Salvation and the Creed 211
166. Only Faith 214
167. Victim and Victor 215
168. Theology of the Cross 216
169. The Bitter Christ 217
170. Free Election 218
B. Christ in World and Sacrament  
171. Christ and the Word 220
172. Christ's Absence 221
173. Exhibiting without Containing Grace 223
174. Eating, Dwelling, and Washing 226
175. The Sacrifice of the Mass 226
176. Torture and the Eucharist 228
C. Christ in Two Natures  
177. The Unity of the Natures 230
178. The Immeasurable and Measurable 232
179. Ubiquitous Humanity? 233
180. Errors concerning between the Natures 235
181. Communication between the Natures 236
182. King amid the Kine 238
D. Pursuing Christ  
183. Filling up Christ 240
184. Hunting Christ 241
185. Imitating Christ 243
186. Imagining Christ 245
187. Awakened by Christ 246
188. Dancing with Christ 248
189. Reading with Christ 249
PART 5: Early Modernity: 1601-1789  
A. The Drama of Christ  
190. Christ's Stage 255
191. Dialogue with the Devil 256
192. Christ Narcissus 259
B. Crucified for Me  
193. Christ's Blood 262
I. The School of Love 262
194. Love Defined 263
195. Love so Amazing 263
196. Love Christ's Name and Nature 264
197. Love Unknow 266
II. The Power of the Cross 267
198. The Punishing Cross 268
199. Crucified with Christ 269
200. Blest Cross 271
C. Union with Christ  
I. Pletlst 272
201. The Bridegroom's Arrival 272
202. All for Sinner's Gain 274
203. Hearts Submitting to Christ 276
204. Nothing but Jesus 278
205. Christ in Me 279
II. Catholic 280
206. Christ's Second Body 281
207. Christ the Door 282
III. Anglican 284
208. Keeping Close to the Union 284
209. No Union so Knittech 285
IV. Puritan 285
210. Christ's Kisses 286
211. The Bridegroom's Departure 287
212. One with Christ 289
V. Radical 290
213. Christ Born in the Soul 290
214. The Birth of Christ in the Believer 291
215. The Spiritual Dispensation 292
D. Discussing Doctrine  
216. The Father's Self-Knowledge 294
217. An Outline of Christology 296
218. Humiliation and Exaltation 298
219. The limitations of Atonement 300
E. The Enlightenment  
220. Copernican Christ 303
221. Christ Simplified 304
222. Christ and Archimedes 305
223. Against Atonement 307
224. Christ Falsified 309
225. Jesus the Jew 311
226. Christ the Charlatan 311
227. Christ's Distance 315
228. The Revolutionary 317
PART 6: The Nineteenth Century: 1790-1913  
A. The Historical Jesus  
I. The Invention of Christ 321
229. The Idea of the Son-of God 321
230. Christ in the Unfolding of Spirit 324
231. The Last Wish of Religion 326
232. The Heart's Invention 327
233. A Translation of the Rule of Virtue 329
234. Inventing Jesus 330
235. Christ's Unavoidable Historicity 331
II. Reconstructing Jesus 333
236. Another Testament of Christ 333
237. A Mythical Transfiguration 335
238. A Rational Transfiguration 337
239. The Historical Kernel 338
240. Hero of the Passion 340
241. Christ the Communist 341
242. Jesus the Jew 342
243. One Unknow 344
B. Humility  
I. Jesus the Child 347
244. The Creator in the Cradle 347
245. The Wounded Child 348
246. The Crown of Roses 350
247. Little Jesus 351
II. Divinity and the Limitations of Humanity 352
248. Lowly Majesty 352
249. The Self-Limitation of the Divine 353
250. The Development of God-Humanity 355
251. Christ Only Human 356
III. Against humility 358
252. Was Jesus Gentle? 358
253. The Anti-Christ 360
C. Christ and the Spirit  
I. The Spirit of Christ 364
254. Christ's Fallen Nature 364
255. Christ's Spiritual Presence 366
256. The Power of God in Christ 369
257. The Impact of Christ's Spirit 370
II. The Development of Doctrine 371
258. Preserving the Picture 372
259. Christ Advancing 373
260. Christ's Enduring Words 375
261. The Gospel's Embodiment 377
262. Freeing the Kernel 379
263. Christ Betrayed 381
264. Jesus's Simple Teaching 382
265. Deeds not Doctrine 383
266. The Teacher of True Morality 385
D. Life in Christ  
I. Conversion 388
267. Personal Saviour 388
268. Jesus Taking Possession 389
269. Ongoing Conversion 391
270. Contemporaneity with Christ 391
II. Participation 394
271. Christ's Second Incarnation 394
272. Incorporation and Unification 395
273. Breathing Christ 397
274. Created for Christ 397
275. Representing the King 398
276. A Vocation of Love 400
E. Looking Eastwards  
277. Returning Christ Eastwards 402
278. Translating Christ 404
279. Incorporating Christ 405
280. Embracing Christ 407
PART 7: The Twentieth Century: 1914-2000  
A. Criss  
281. Christ the Crisis 413
B. The Historical Jesus?  
I. Against History? 417
282. The Message not the Man 417
283. The Earthly Jesus and the Exalted Lord 419
284. Faith-Image and History 421
II. Questing for the Historical Jesus 423
285. A Framework 423
286. A Mediterranean Jewish Peasant 425
287. A Marginal Jew 427
288. The Jesus Revolution 429
289. The Sacred Mushroom 431
C. Christ and Salvation  
I. Justification and Sanctification 434
290. Christ and New Being 434
291. Substitutionary Atonement 436
292. Jesus as Lord 437
293. Becoming Lesser Christs 439
294. The Crucified and the Crusading Mind 440
295. Christ's Mercy 441
II. Liberation 443
296. Recognizing the Poor 443
297. Liberating Jesus 444
298. Hiding Jesus 446
299. The Refusal of Tyranny 447
300. Liberation Christology 449
301. Christ and the Crowd 451
302. Soulful Christianity 452
303. Liberation and Healing 454
304. Jesus, Master of Initiation 456
305. Christ the Ancestor 458
306. Black Jesus 459
307. Christ for the Enslaved 460
308. Captivity 461
III. Ethics 462
309. Life with Christ 463
310. Virtue and Obedience 465
311. Christ the Norm 467
312. Christ's Community 468
D. Retelling the Story  
I. In Literature 471
313. Journey of the Magi 471
314. The Gospel according to the Son 472
315. The Man who Died 474
316. The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe 476
II. In Theology 478
317. Emmaus and Us 478
318. Jesus in Gethsemane 481
E. God Incarnate  
I. Debating Incarnation 486
319. Incarnation Unnecessary 486
320. Anti-Logos 488
321. Yes to the Mystery 490
322. Grace and Incarnation 492
323. Alpha and Omega 493
324. Christ beneath All 494
325. Meekness and Majesty 495
II. A Male Christ? 496
326. Beyond Christolatry 496
327. Christ beyond Jesus 497
328. An Inclusive Christ 499
III. Incarnation, Cross, Resurrection, Trinity 501
329. The Crucified God-Man 502
330. God on the Cross 503
331. The Christlikeness of God 505
332. Saved by the Cross 506
333. The Triumphant Death 508
F. Jesus beyond Christianity  
I. The Uniqueness of Christ 510
334. No Un-Christlikeness at All 510
335. Jesus and Buddha 511
336. Christ and Ramakrishna 513
337. Hinduism and Christ 514
II. Jesus and Judaism 515
338. A Jewish Teacher 516
339. Who Killed Christ? 517
340. Jesus the Jew 519
341. Judaism and Incarnation 520
G. The Face of Christ  
342.Christ's Beauty 523
343. The Overwhelming Face 524
Note 526
References 531
Further Reading 548
Acknowledge 551
Index 555