The Future of Christology | |
Tác giả: | Roger Haight |
Ký hiệu tác giả: |
HA-R |
DDC: | 232.1 - Chúa Giêsu (Kitô học) |
Ngôn ngữ: | Anh |
Số cuốn: | 1 |
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Preface | |
1. Jesus Research and Faith in Jesus Christ | |
The Framework for This Discussion | 16 |
Classical Christological Doctrines and the Imagination | 19 |
Jesus Research and the Imagination | 21 |
Two Views on Jesus Research and Christian Faith | 24 |
The Impact of Jesus Research on Christology | 29 |
2. The Logic of Christology from Below | |
The Situation of Christology | 34 |
Characteristics of Christology from the Below | 38 |
The Genesis of Christology | 43 |
The Structure of Christology | 45 |
Loci in Christology | 47 |
3. Human Freedom and a Christian Understanding of Salvation as Liberation | |
Framing the Discussion | 55 |
Salvation as Liberation of Human Freedom | 62 |
4. Notes for a Constructive Theology of the Cross | |
Problems in Some Theologies of the Cross | 76 |
Preliminary Considerations | 81 |
Notes for Constructive Theology of the Cross | 86 |
Conclusion | 101 |
5. Catholic Pluralism on Religious Pluralism: Rahner and Schillebeeckx | |
Life Situation and Context | 105 |
Method in Theology | 107 |
Premises to Their Positions | 110 |
Christ and Other Religions | 115 |
Conclusion | 120 |
6. Jesus and Church Mission | 123 |
Developments Since Vatican II | 125 |
Jesus and Mission | 136 |
Conclusion | 145 |
7. Outline for an Orthodox Pluralist Christology | 148 |
Basic Considerations in the Mode of a Philosophy of Religion | 149 |
The logic of Christology | 151 |
Other Religious from Christian Standpoint | 156 |
An Orthodox Pluralist Christology | 159 |
8. Two Types of Christology | 165 |
The Witness of the New Testament to Multiple Christologies | 167 |
The Old Testament Perspective for Understanding the New Testament Witness | 168 |
The Scriptural Meaning of Spirit and Word Applied to Jesus | 172 |
The Strengths of a Spirit and a Word Christology | 174 |
The Viability of a Spirit and a Word Christology in the Future | 176 |
9. The Future of Christology | 180 |
Three Patterns of How Development Occurs | 181 |
Two Ares of Christological Development: Other Religious and Jesus's Divinity | 186 |
Conclusion | 194 |
Epilogue: Jesus Symbol of God: Criticism and Response | 196 |
A Genetic Method | 197 |
Representation of the Jesus Material | 199 |
The Easter Experience | 201 |
Pluralism of New Testament Christologies | 203 |
The Construct of a Symbol | 204 |
Interruption of Nicea and Chalcedon | 206 |
The Meaning of Salvation | 207 |
Jesus Christ vis-à-vis Other Religions | 208 |
Christology Proper | 211 |
God as Trinity | 212 |
Conclusion | 213 |
Review of Jesus Symbol of God | 215 |
Index | 217 |

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