Who is Jesus? | |
Phụ đề: | An Introduction to Christology |
Tác giả: | Thomas P. Rausch, SJ |
Ký hiệu tác giả: |
RA-T |
DDC: | 232.1 - Chúa Giêsu (Kitô học) |
Ngôn ngữ: | Anh |
Số cuốn: | 2 |
Hiện trạng các bản sách
» Thêm vào danh sách tác phẩm yêu thích
Acknowledgements | ix |
Abbreviations | xi |
Introductions | 1 |
Image of Jesus | 1 |
Starting Points for Christology | 3 |
1. The Three Quests for the Historical Jesus | 9 |
The First Quest: Reimarus to Schweitzer | 10 |
The New Quest: Kasemann to Schillebeeckx | 13 |
The Third Quest | 15 |
Conclusion | 20 |
2. Methodological Considerations | 23 |
From Precritical to Critical Christology | 23 |
The Development of the Gospel Tradition | 28 |
Recovering the Historical Jesus | 35 |
Doubtful Criteria | 37 |
Conclusion | 38 |
3. The Jewish Background | 41 |
The Messianic Tradition | 42 |
The Wisdom Tradition | 48 |
The Apocalyptic Tradition | 51 |
First-Century Palestinian Judaism | 55 |
Conclusion | 60 |
4. Jesus and His Movement | 61 |
Jesus and John the Baptist | 62 |
The Jesus Movement | 68 |
Conclusion | 76 |
5. The Preaching and Ministry of Jesus | 77 |
The Sayings of Jesus | 77 |
The Parables of Jesus | 82 |
The Kingdom of God | 84 |
A Note on the Miracle Tradition | 91 |
Conclusion | 93 |
6. The Death of Jesus | 95 |
The Offense Behind Jesus' Death | 96 |
Theological Perspectives | 99 |
How Did Jesus Understand His Death? | 103 |
Conclusion | 109 |
7. God Raised Him from the Dead | 111 |
The Easter Experience | 111 |
The Easter Tradition | 113 |
Reflections on Easter Faith | 118 |
Conclusion | 123 |
8. New Testament Christologies | 125 |
Easter Christologies | 127 |
Son of God Christologies | 131 |
Wisdom Christologies | 137 |
Preexistence Christologies | 142 |
Conclusion | 145 |
9. From the New Testament to Chalcedon | 147 |
Faith and the Dialogue with Culture | 147 |
From the Third Century to Nicaea | 152 |
From Nicaea to Chalcedon | 156 |
Conclusion | 163 |
10. Sin and Salvation | 165 |
Sin and Salvation in Scripture | 166 |
Sin and Salvation in Christian History | 171 |
The Sixteenth Century | 178 |
Conclusion | 181 |
11. A Contemporary Approach to Soteriology | 183 |
The Mystery of Iniquity | 184 |
Jesus Mediates God's Salvation | 186 |
Is Jesus the Source of our Salvation? | 197 |
Conclusion | 202 |
Glossary | 205 |
Index of Names | 209 |
Index of Subjects | 213 |

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Tác giả: Thomas P. Rausch, SJ
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