Integral Formation of Catholic Priests
Tác giả: Marcel Metzger
Ký hiệu tác giả: ME-M
DDC: 248.37 - Hướng dẫn đời sống Giáo sĩ Công giáo
Ngôn ngữ: Việt
Số cuốn: 1

Hiện trạng các bản sách

Mã số: 617BC0009493
Nhà xuất bản: Ces Rome
Năm xuất bản: 1990
Khổ sách: 22
Số trang: 253
Kho sách: Ban Thần
Tình trạng: Hiện có
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Abbreviations viii
Introduction xi
I. Identity and Mission of the Priest 1
Called by God 3
Appointed to Act on Behalf of others 6
Chosen from Among Men 16
Until Christ be Formed in you 23
II. Fundermental Principles of Priestly Formation 25
The Protagonists 26
Formation as Self-Formation 32
Love, the Fundamental Motivation of Priestly Formation 37
Formation as Transformation 41
Community and Personalized Fomation 45
Integral Fomation 50
An Eminently Pastoral Formation 53
Realistic View of Man, Realistic Pedagogy 58
Excursus: Specific Traits of Modern Man 64
Gradual and Ongoing Formation 67
III. Four Dimensions of Priestly Formation 73
1. Spiritual Formation 73
The Priest, a Man of God 74
Faith, Hope and Charity 75
Christ, Model adn Center of Priestly Life 83
The Priest, Man of the Church 90
Mary, Mother of Priests 93
Some Priestly Virtues 95
Chastity for the Sake of the Kingdom of Heaven 95
Gospel Poverty 99
He Made Himself Obedient for Us 101
Gentle and Humble of Heart 103
All for the Glory of God 105
Sacrifice and Self Denial  106
Zeal for Your House Consumes Me 107
Assimilating the Fundamental Truths 108
Some General Means for Spiritual Formation 108
Prayer 108
Interior Life 109
Liturgy and Sacraments 113
Spiritual Direction 116
Conscience Examen 118
Retreats and Spiritual Exercises 119
Spiritual Life Program 121
Spiriual Reading 122
2. Human Formation 123
Integral, Harmonious and Hierarchically Structured Development of all our Faculties 124
Forming Intelligence 125
Forming the Will 129
Forming Passions 131
Forming Sentiments 133
Forming Imagination 136
Forming Memory 137
Physical Fomation 138
Moral Formation 139
Social Formation 143
Friendlines and Openness 144
Distinction and Courtesy 146
3. Intellectual Formation 148
Forming Intellect and Dispositions 149
Philosophical Formation 150
Theological Formation 153
General Culture 156
Learning to Communicate the Message 158
Means for the Intellectual Formation of Seminarians 160
4. Apostolic and Pastoral Formation 163
Formation of an Apostolic Heart 164
Apostolic Zeal and Awareness of the Mission  164
Ecclesial Spirit 165
Pastoral Charity and Preferential Option for the Poor 166
Fomation for Pastoral Ministry 172
Some Areas of Pastoral Formation 172
Methodological Formation for Pastoral Ministry 174
Means of Apostolic and Pastoral Formation 177
IV. Formers 183
The Team of  Formers 184
The Former’s Role 187
A Former’s Relationship with the Students 190
Excursus: Choosing and Forming Formers 202
V. Formative Environment 205
Interpersonal Environment 206
Institutional Environment 210
A Spirit of Discipline 215
Exterior Environment 221
Contact with Environments Outside the Seminary 222
VI. Stages of Priestly Formation 227
Discernment of the Priestly Vocation 228
High School of Seminaries 235
Initiation Period 240
Philosophy 242
Theology 243
Ongoing Fomation 245
Index 249