Discernment and Truth: The Spirituality and Theology of Knowledge
Tác giả: Mark A. Mcintosh
Ký hiệu tác giả: MC-M
DDC: 248.2 - Trải nghiệm Tôn giáo
Ngôn ngữ: Anh
Số cuốn: 1

Hiện trạng các bản sách

Mã số: 617BC0009090
Nhà xuất bản: The Crossroad Publishing Company
Năm xuất bản: 2004
Khổ sách: 24
Số trang: 290
Kho sách: Ban Thần
Tình trạng: Hiện có
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Acknowledgement xi
Preface xiii
Part 1: History and Theology of Spiritual Discernment  
1. Introduction: The Pattern of a Discerning Life 3
Discernment, Truth, and God 3
The Dynamic Pattern of Discernment 5
First Moment: Discernment as Grounded in Loving Trust in God 8
Second Movement: Discernment as Distinguishing between Good and Evil Impulses 13
Third Movement: Discernment as Discretion and Practical Wisdom 16
Fourth Movement: Discernment as Seeking the Truth of God's Will 18
Fifth Movement: Discernment as the Contemplation of Wisdom 20
2. The Historical Landscape of Discernment: Christian Antiquity 23
Early Response to 1 Corinthians 12:10 23
Origen of Alexandria 25
The Desert Elders 31
John Cassian 34
John Climacus 39
3. The Historical Landscape of Discernment: Middle Ages to Modernity 43
Bernard of Clairvaux and Richard of St. Victor 43
Catherine of Siena 54
Jean Gerson 61
Ignatius of Loyola 67
John Bunyan and Jonathan Edwards 73
4. Constitutive Themes in Discernment 82
Fostering a Discerning Mind 82
Recognizing Signs and Distinguish Spirits 91
The Problems of Deception 115
Light from the Kingdom to Come 122
Part II: Case Studies in Discernment  
5. Discernment and Paschal Mystery: St. Paul and Desert Spirituality 127
Clearing Away Incorrect Diagnostic Schemes 128
Specifying the Problem in Corinth 130
Envy's Aversion to Truth 133
Discernment and Paschal Mystery 135
Interruption: The Noetic Transition of the Cross 137
Discerning the Fullness of Reality: The Mind of Christ 141
What Kind of Knowledge? 144
Knowledge as Communication 145
6. Discerning a Divine Calling: Vocation and Truth in Pilgrim's Progress 149
Vocation as the Calling to Exist 149
Allegory in a Reifying World 151
Learning to Recognize Illusion 1532
The Self Becomes Its Own Prisoner 158
Communities of Vocational Discernment 160
What Is "Vocational" in Pilgrim's Progress? 164
7. The Trinity and Discernment in John Henry Newman 166
Fleeing Apophasis, Avoiding the Trinity 166
Insensibility to Mystery 170
Personal Formation for Religious Knowing 172
Participation in Trinitarian Apophasis 181
8. Aesthetic Vision and Intelligible Beauty 189
What IS There to See? 189
Spotting the Greedy Cunning Self at Work 193
Seeing through a Hole in the World 196
The Sovereign Reality of Beautiful 198
Union with the Real 203
Learning to feel the Obedience of the Universe to God 206
9. Illumination and Truth 215
Reality Has the Character of Word 215
Illumination: The Mystical Initiation of Communion with God 223
The Mind's Role in the journey of Truth: Thinking by Thanking  234
The Communal Life of Truth 249
Notes 256
Selected Bibliography 274
Primary Sources 274
Secondary Sources 277
Questions for Reflection and Study 282
Index of Subjects 285