Discernment and Truth: The Spirituality and Theology of Knowledge | |
Tác giả: | Mark A. Mcintosh |
Ký hiệu tác giả: |
MC-M |
DDC: | 248.2 - Trải nghiệm Tôn giáo |
Ngôn ngữ: | Anh |
Số cuốn: | 1 |
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Acknowledgement | xi |
Preface | xiii |
Part 1: History and Theology of Spiritual Discernment | |
1. Introduction: The Pattern of a Discerning Life | 3 |
Discernment, Truth, and God | 3 |
The Dynamic Pattern of Discernment | 5 |
First Moment: Discernment as Grounded in Loving Trust in God | 8 |
Second Movement: Discernment as Distinguishing between Good and Evil Impulses | 13 |
Third Movement: Discernment as Discretion and Practical Wisdom | 16 |
Fourth Movement: Discernment as Seeking the Truth of God's Will | 18 |
Fifth Movement: Discernment as the Contemplation of Wisdom | 20 |
2. The Historical Landscape of Discernment: Christian Antiquity | 23 |
Early Response to 1 Corinthians 12:10 | 23 |
Origen of Alexandria | 25 |
The Desert Elders | 31 |
John Cassian | 34 |
John Climacus | 39 |
3. The Historical Landscape of Discernment: Middle Ages to Modernity | 43 |
Bernard of Clairvaux and Richard of St. Victor | 43 |
Catherine of Siena | 54 |
Jean Gerson | 61 |
Ignatius of Loyola | 67 |
John Bunyan and Jonathan Edwards | 73 |
4. Constitutive Themes in Discernment | 82 |
Fostering a Discerning Mind | 82 |
Recognizing Signs and Distinguish Spirits | 91 |
The Problems of Deception | 115 |
Light from the Kingdom to Come | 122 |
Part II: Case Studies in Discernment | |
5. Discernment and Paschal Mystery: St. Paul and Desert Spirituality | 127 |
Clearing Away Incorrect Diagnostic Schemes | 128 |
Specifying the Problem in Corinth | 130 |
Envy's Aversion to Truth | 133 |
Discernment and Paschal Mystery | 135 |
Interruption: The Noetic Transition of the Cross | 137 |
Discerning the Fullness of Reality: The Mind of Christ | 141 |
What Kind of Knowledge? | 144 |
Knowledge as Communication | 145 |
6. Discerning a Divine Calling: Vocation and Truth in Pilgrim's Progress | 149 |
Vocation as the Calling to Exist | 149 |
Allegory in a Reifying World | 151 |
Learning to Recognize Illusion | 1532 |
The Self Becomes Its Own Prisoner | 158 |
Communities of Vocational Discernment | 160 |
What Is "Vocational" in Pilgrim's Progress? | 164 |
7. The Trinity and Discernment in John Henry Newman | 166 |
Fleeing Apophasis, Avoiding the Trinity | 166 |
Insensibility to Mystery | 170 |
Personal Formation for Religious Knowing | 172 |
Participation in Trinitarian Apophasis | 181 |
8. Aesthetic Vision and Intelligible Beauty | 189 |
What IS There to See? | 189 |
Spotting the Greedy Cunning Self at Work | 193 |
Seeing through a Hole in the World | 196 |
The Sovereign Reality of Beautiful | 198 |
Union with the Real | 203 |
Learning to feel the Obedience of the Universe to God | 206 |
9. Illumination and Truth | 215 |
Reality Has the Character of Word | 215 |
Illumination: The Mystical Initiation of Communion with God | 223 |
The Mind's Role in the journey of Truth: Thinking by Thanking | 234 |
The Communal Life of Truth | 249 |
Notes | 256 |
Selected Bibliography | 274 |
Primary Sources | 274 |
Secondary Sources | 277 |
Questions for Reflection and Study | 282 |
Index of Subjects | 285 |

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