Church: Community for the Kingdom
Tác giả: John Fuellenbach, SVD
Ký hiệu tác giả: FU-J
DDC: 262 - Giáo hội học
Ngôn ngữ: Anh
Số cuốn: 2

Hiện trạng các bản sách

Mã số: 617BC0005046
Nhà xuất bản: Logos Publications
Năm xuất bản: 2001
Khổ sách: 29
Số trang: 334
Kho sách: Kho B (Ban Thần)
Tình trạng: Hiện có
Mã số: 617BC0005047
Nhà xuất bản: Logos Publications
Năm xuất bản: 2001
Khổ sách: 29
Số trang: 334
Kho sách: Kho B (Ban Thần)
Tình trạng: Hiện có
» Thêm vào danh sách tác phẩm yêu thích
Preface 11
Acknowlegdment 14
Introduction 15
Presuppositions 15
1. The distinction between individual salvation and the necessity of a Church 15
subjective and individualistic understanding of the Christian faith 19
3. Being a Christian as a call to mission 20
4. The meaning of “the keys of the Kingdom” given to Peter 21
Essential Relationships: Jesus: Kingdom - Church - Israel 21
1. Jesus and the Kingdom 21
God’s intention - his plan for the world 22
Kingdom as belonging to this world 23
The Dream of God for creation 24
2. Jesus and the Church 26
3. Jesus and Israel 28
Chapter One: Jesus and the Church 33
I. Return to the Jesus who walked over this earth 33
II. Biblical findings concerning Israel, Kingdom, Church 35
The Exodus story: God’s election of a “counter society” 35
Kingdom and Church in the Gospels 39
The Kingdom vision mediated through the Church 42
Conclusion 46
III. Jesus and the foundation of the Church 47
1. The most common positions today 47
2. Four representatives of the common positions 50
Richard McBrien: Catholicism 50
Gerhard Lohfmk: Did Jesus found a Church? 51
Walter Kirchschláger: his common points can be summarized as follows 52
Leonardo Boff: Church, Charisma and Power 53
Conclusion 54
Chapter Two: The Church in Vatican II 59
I. The Council’s vision of the Church 59
II. Images of the Church in Vatican II 62
1. THE NEW PEOPLE OF GOD............................................. 62
A gratuitous election by God 65
The communitarian aspect 67
A people of equals 69
A pilgrim people 69
Conclusion 70
2. THE CHURCH AS BODY OF CHRIST .......................... 72
The image as used in the Council 72
The origin of the “Body of Christ” symbol in St. Paul 73
The Body of the Risen Christ and not the physical body of Jesus 78
The “broken mirror” Model 83
The Spirit who “Constitutes the Church 85
Call to Mission 89
Church “Icon of the Trinity” 92
Conclusion 92
Chapter Three: The meaning of the term “Church” in Vatican II 99
1. Church as “CATHOLIC CHURCH” 99
2. Church as “LOCAL CONGREGATION” 100
4. Church refers to the “PEOPLE OF ISRAEL” 102
5. The Church “FROM ABEL ON” 103
6. The “HOUSE CHURCH” (Lumen Gentium 11) 105
Chapter Four: The Church in the Context of the Kingdom 107
I. Church in relation to the world and to God’s universal plan of salvation 107
II. The Church and the Kingdom now in history: identical or non-identical 110
1. Arguments for an Identity of the Church with the Kingdom in history 110
2. Arguments against an Identity of the Church with the Kingdom in history 112
3. Biblical foundation for a Non-identity 116
4.The theological fruits of such Non-identity 117
5. Voiced “reservations” to a “Kingdom-centered Church” 118
Conclusion 122
III. The Kingdom of God as present in the Church 123
The Kingdom in “spatial” and “dynamic” terms 126
Difficulties voiced with this view 128
Chapter Five: Emergence of a World-Church 133
I. A Theological Interpretation of Vatican II 133
Introduction 133
The emergence of a World Church in Vatican II 134
was a Council of the World-Church as such 134
What are these three epochs? 135
First the epoch of Jewish Christianity 135
community freed from Judaic Law 138
The third epoch: the transition of the Western Church to a World Church 139
Conclusion 142
II. Megatrends affecting the Church Today 143
1. Resurgence of Cultural Traditions 144
and political globalization 146
3. Revival of Religious Experiences 146
encounter of God within small faith communities 147
5. Problems in Ministerial structures: 147
6. The Western Church in Crisis 149
poor and oppressed in the plan of God for humanity 149
8. New Presence and Significance of Women 149
9. New Frontiers for Mission 150
10. Co-partnership with the Earth 150
Conclusion 151
III. The Four Sources of Theology 151
1. Bible, Tradition and the Magisterium: theological data 151
2. The current life of the worshiping community 152
the committed” Christian community 153
4. The present of the Holy Spirit 154
4. The present of the Holy Spirit 154 Conclusion 154
Chapter Six: The use of models in Theology to describe the Church today 157
I. What is a model? 157
II. Different Models of Church 163
Introduction 163