Systematic Theology
Phụ đề: Existence and the Christ
Tác giả: Paul Tillich
Ký hiệu tác giả: TI-P
DDC: 230.2 - Thần học Kitô giáo
Ngôn ngữ: Anh
Tập - số: Vol 2
Số cuốn: 1

Hiện trạng các bản sách

Mã số: 617BC0008614
Nhà xuất bản: The University of Chicago
Năm xuất bản: 1984
Khổ sách: 23
Số trang: 187
Kho sách: Ban Thần
Tình trạng: Hiện có
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Introduction 3
A. The Relation of the Second Volume of Systematic Theology to the First Volume and to the System as a Whole 3
B. Restatements of Answers Given in Volume I 5
1. Beyond Naturalism and Supranaturalism 5
2. The Use of the Concept of Being in Systematic Theology 10
3. Independence and Interdependence of Existential Questions and Theological Answers 13
A. Existence and Existentialism 19
1. The Etymology of Existence 19
2. The Rise of the Existentialism Problem 21
3. Existentialism against Essentialism 24
4. Existential and Existentialist Thinking 26
5. Existentialism and Christian Theology 27
B. The Transition from Essence to Existence and the Symbol of "the Fall" 29
1. The Symbol of "the Fall" and Western Philosophy 29
2. Finite Freedom as the Possibility of the Transition from Essence to Existence 31
3. "Dreaming Innocence" and Temptation 33
4. The Moral and the Tragic Element in the Transition from Essential to Existential Being 36
5. Creation and Fall 39
C. The Marks of Man's Estrangement and the Concept of Sin 44
1. Estrangement and Sin 44
2. Estrangement as "Unbelief" 47
3. Estrangement as Hubris 49
4. Estrangement "Concupiscence" 51
5. Estrangement as Fact and as Act 55
6. Estrangement Individuality and Collectively 58
D. Existential Self-destruction and the Doctrine of Evil 59
1. Self-Loss and World-Loss in the State of Estrangement 59
2. The Conflicts in the Ontological polarities in the State of Estrangement 62
a) The Separation of Freedom from Destiny 62
b) The Separation of Dynamics form Form 64
c) The Separation of Individualization from Participation 65
3. Finitude and Estrangement 66
a) Death, Finitude, and Guilt 66
b) Estrangement, Time, and Space 68
c) Estrangement, Suffering, and Loneliness 70
d) Estrangement, Doubt, and meaninglessness 72
4. The Meaning of Despair and Its Symbols 75
a) Despair and the Problem of Suicide 75
b) The Symbol of the "Wrath of God" 76
c) The Symbol of " Condemnation" 78
E. The Quest for the New Being and the Meaning of "Christ" 78
1. Existence as Fate or the Bondage of the Will 78
2. Ways of Self-salvation and Their Failure 80
a) Self-salvation and Religion 80
b) Legalistic Ways of Self-salvation 81
c) Ascetic Ways of Self-salvation 81
d) Mystical Ways of Self-salvation 83
e) Sacramental, Doctrinal, Emotional Ways of Self-salvation 84
3. Non-historical and Historical Expectations of the New being 86
4. The Symbol of "Christ", Its Historical and Its Transhistorical Meaning 88
5. The meaning of Paradox in Christian Theology 90
6. God, Man, and the Symbol of the "Christ" 93
A. Jesus as the Christ 97
1. The Name "Jesus Christ" 97
2. Event, Fact, and Reception 98
3. History and the Christ 99
4. The Research for the Historical Jesus and Its Failure 101
5. Historical Research and Theology 107
6. Faith and Historical Skepticism 113
7. The Biblical Witness to Jesus as the Christ 117
B. The New Being in Jesus as the Christ 118
1. The New Being and the New Eon 118
2. The New Being Appearing in a Personal Life 120
3. The Expression of the New Being in Jesus as the Christ 121
4. The New Being in Jesus as the Christ as the Conquest of Estrangement 125
a) The New Being in the Christ and the Mark of Estrangement 125
b) The Reality of Temptations of Christ 127
c) The Marks of His Finitude 131
d) His Participation in the Tragic Element of Existence 132
e) His Permanent Unity with God 134
5. The Historical Dimension of the New Being 135
6. Conflicting Elements in the Picture of Jesus as the Christ 136
C. Valuation of the Christological Dogma 138
1. The Nature and Function of the Christological Dogma 138
2. Dangers and Decisions in the Development of the Christological Dogma 142
3. The Christological Task of Present Theology 145
D. The Universal Significance of the Event Jesus the Christ 150
1. The Uniqueness and the Universality of the Event 150
2. The Central Symbols of the Universal Significance of Jesus as the Christ and Their Relation 153
3. Symbols Corroborating the Symbol "Cross of the Christ" 158
4. Symbols Corroborating the Symbol "Resurrection of the Christ" 159
E. The New Being in Jesus as the Christ as the Power of Salvation 165
1. The meaning of Salvation 165
2. The Christ as the Savior (Mediator, Redeemer) 168
3. Doctrines of Atonement 170
4. Principles of the Doctrine of Atonement 173
5. The Threefold Character of Salvation 176
a) Salvation as Participation in the New Being (Regeneration) 176
b) Salvation as Acceptance of the New Being (Justification) 177
c) Salvation as Transformation by the New Being (Sanctification) 179
Index 183