Aquinas's Summa
Phụ đề: Background, Structure, and Reception
Tác giả: Jean-Pierre Torrell,OP
Ký hiệu tác giả: TO-J
DDC: 230.2 - Thần học Kitô giáo
Ngôn ngữ: Anh
Số cuốn: 1

Hiện trạng các bản sách

Mã số: 617BC0008608
Nhà xuất bản: Washington, DC
Năm xuất bản: 2005
Khổ sách: 22
Số trang: 156
Kho sách: Ban Thần
Tình trạng: Hiện có
» Thêm vào danh sách tác phẩm yêu thích
Foreword ix
I. The Author and His Work 1
Early Formative Years 1
First Teaching Experience at Paris (1252-1259) 4
Return to Italy: Orvieto (1261-1265) 7
Stay in Rome (1265-1268) 10
Return to Paris (1268-1272) 13
Naples: The Last Months and Death (1272-1274) 15
II. The Summa: Structures and Content I 17
The First Part 18
"Sacra Doctrine" 19
God 21
God in His Work 24
The Second Part 27
A Circular Plan 27
The Second Volume 30
Human Acts 31
Law and Grace 33
III. The Summa: Structures and Content II 37
The Virtues and the Vices 37
A Morality of Virtues 39
Major Themes of This Second Stage 41
The Theological Virtues 42
The Queen of the Cardinal Virtues 44
The Connection of the Virtues 45
Particular Situations 47
The Third Part 48
A Review of the Structure of the Summa 48
Christ 50
Reasons of Appropriateness 51
The Humanity of Christ 53
The "Mysteries" of the Christ's Life 56
The Sacraments 58
A Sanctifying Reality 59
Body and Spirit 61
The Uncompleted End 62
IV. The Literary and Doctrinal Milieu 63
Literary Panorama 63
"Lectura" 64
Questions and Quodlibets 65
Sentences 68
Summas 69
The Christian Sources 71
The Bible 72
The Fathers 74
Greeks, Jews, and Arabs 76
Aristotle 76
Medieval Neoplatonism 78
The Stoics 80
Avicenna 81
Averroes 83
Maimonides 84
V. The Summa through History 86
First Period (1274-1450) 87
First Polemics 87
The Beginning of Thomism 90
Second Period (1450-1800) 92
The Advent of the Summa 92
Cajetan 96
Victoria and the School of Salamanca 98
John of St. Thomas 101
The Jesuits and the Carmelites 103
VI. The Summa in the Twentieth Century 106
Aeterni Patris and Its Consequences 108
First Fruits 108
Renewal 111
Translations 114
Vatican II and Its immediate Aftermath 116
Thomism and Medievalism 117
The Current State of Affairs 120
Publications 120
Three Institutions 127
Conclusion 131
Annotated Bibliography 135
Index 139