Reading the Bible from the Margin | |
Tác giả: | Miguel A. De La Torre |
Ký hiệu tác giả: |
TO-M |
DDC: | 220.6 - Kinh Thánh - Giải thích và phê bình |
Ngôn ngữ: | Anh |
Số cuốn: | 1 |
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Contents | |
Preface | |
Introduction | 1 |
Liberating the Bible | 5 |
The Bible in the Real World | 8 |
Reading through Others’ Eyes | 10 |
1: Learning to Read | 14 |
The Importance of Words Defining Terms | 15 |
Imposing Twenty-First-Century Meanings on Ancient Texts | 17 |
Defining Racism | 20 |
The Factor of Language | 24 |
A Han Reading | 26 |
Multiple Consciousness | 27 |
The Center-Margin Dichotomy | 31 |
2: Reading the Bible from the Center | 36 |
A Privileged Reading | 38 |
A Biblical Paradigm for Justifying Privilege | 41 |
Pitfalls in Raising Consciousness | 48 |
Words of Concern | 49 |
Searching for the Abundant Life | 51 |
3: Unmasking the Biblical Justification of Racism and Classism | 55 |
Justifying Racism | 56 |
Beyond the Black-and-white Dichotomy | 58 |
AfricanAmericans | 59 |
Amerindians | 64 |
Asians | 66 |
Jews | 68 |
Justifying Classism | 70 |
Classism from the Margins | 76 |
4: Unmasking the Biblical Justification of Sexism Justifying | 82 |
Patriarchy | 83 |
Sexism from the Margins | 91 |
Feminism among Women of Color | 82 |
Justifying Homophobia | 96 |
Homophobia from the Margins | 100 |
The Hermeneutical Circle | 102 |
5: Who Do You Say I Am? | |
The Economically Marginalized Christ 108 A Hispanic Christ 112 An Amerindian Christ | 116 |
An Asian American Christ | 119 |
A Black Christ | 121 |
A Female Christ | 123 |
A Gay Christ | 130 |
Perceiving the Character of Divinity | 132 |
God Sides with Today’s Crucified People | 133 |
God Is Victorious | 135 |
6: Jesus Saves | 136 |
The Rich Young Ruler, the Sinning Tax Collector, and the Begging Blind Man 139 | 139 |
More Than Just Climbing Sycamore Trees I Once Was Blind | 143 |
Of Sheep and Goats | 144 |
Communal Essence of Justice | 146 |
Are You Saved? | 148 |
7: Can’t We All Just Get Along? | |
The Dysfunctional Family | 152 |
Forgive and Forget? | 153 |
Power to Direct the Discourse | 154 |
Power to Name | 155 |
Power Not to See a Need to Repent | 155 |
Power to Become the “Real” Victim | 156 |
Cheap Forgiveness | 158 |
What the Center Can Learn about the Bible | 160 |
Exodus: God the Liberator | 160 |
Amos: God the Seeker of Justice | 161 |
The Gospels: God the Doer | 165 |
Acts and the Letters from Paul: God the Subverter | 167 |
The Bible in the Twenty-First Century | 170 |
Notes | 173 |
Bibliography | 181 |
General Index | 185 |
General Index | 194 |