Analyzing Moral Issues
Tác giả: Judith A. Boss
Ký hiệu tác giả: BO-J
DDC: 170 - Triết học đạo đức
Ngôn ngữ: Anh
Số cuốn: 1

Hiện trạng các bản sách

Mã số: 617BC0003610
Nhà xuất bản: McGraw-Hill
Năm xuất bản: 2003
Khổ sách: 27
Số trang: 653
Kho sách: Ban Triết
Tình trạng: Hiện có
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Preface  VII
PART 1: Introduction to Moral Philosophy  
Chater 1  
 Moral Theory  1
Moral Philosophy  2
What Is the Purpose of Moral Theories?  3
The Types of Moral Theories  4
Relativism in Ethics  5
Moving Beyond Ethical Relativism  12
Moral Theory and Praxis  16
Morality and Religion  17
Universality and Religious Ethics  18
Universal Moral Theories  19
Natural Law Theory  19
Utilitarianism 20
Deontology: The Ethics of Duty  24
Rights-Based Ethics  31
Virtue Ethics 36
Conclusion  40
Aristotle, from Nicomachean Ethics 41
Thomas Aquinas, from Summa Theologica 46
John Stuart Mill, from Utilitarianism  49
Immanuel Kant, from Fundamental Principles of the Metaphysic of Ethics 51
John Rawls, from A Theory of Justice  56
John Locke, from Two Treatises of Civil Government  60
Ayn Rand, “Man’s Rights” 63
Nel Noddings, from Caring: A Feminine Approach to Ethics and Moral Education  66
Confucius, from The Analects  70
P. Don Premasiri, ‘The Relevance of the Noble Eightfold Path to Contemporary Society”  74
Chater 2: Moral Reasoning  79
The Three Levels of Thinking  80
Resistance 82
Recognizing Arguments 86
Avoiding Logical Fallacies 90
Critical Reading Skills  97
PART 2:  Analyzing Moral Issues  
Chapter 3: Abortion   100
Background  100
The History of Abortion in the United States 101
The U.S. Supreme Court Roe v. Wade Decision 102
Abortion and Religion  104
Stages of Fetal Development  106
Methods of Abortion 107
The Moral Issues  108
Conclusion  111
Judith Jarvis Thomson, “A Defense of Abortion”  112
John T. Noonan Jr., “An Almost Absolute Value in History” 123
Mary Anne Warren, “The Moral Significance of Birth”  127
 Don Marquis, “Why Abortion Is Immoral” 134
Judith A- Boss, “Pro-Child/Pro-Choice: An Exercise in Doublethink?”  139
Case Studies  144
Chapter 4: Genetic Engineering and Cloning   
The History of Genetic Engineering 151
The Human Genome Project  152
Genetic Engineering  152
Cloning  153
Moral Issues of Genetic Engineering and Cloning  157
 Conclusion 164
Matt Ridley, “The New Eugenics” 164
W. French Anderson, “Genetics and Human Malleability” 168
John A. Robertson, “The Question of Human Cloning”  172
Leon Kass, “The Wisdom of Repugnance: Why We Should Ban the Cloning of Humans”  179
Lori Andrews and Dorothy Nelkin, “Whose Body Is It Anyway?   
Dispute over Body Tissue in a Biotechnology Age”  187
Case Studies  192
Chapter 5: Euthanasia and Assisted Suicide   
What Is Euthanasia?  199
The Philosophers on Euthanasia  200
The Contemporary Debate over Euthanasia 202
Euthanasia Legislation  203
Physician-Assisted Suicide  206
The Hospice Movement  206
The Moral Issues  207
Conclusion  212
James Rachels. "Waive and Passive Euthanasia”  212
Makgaket Passt Battin, The Case for Euthanasia”  217
Daniel Callahax, “Aid-in-Dying’: The Social Dimensions” 226
John Hard wig. Is There a Duty to Die?”  230
Susan M. Wolf, "A Feminist Critique of Physician-Assisted Suicide”  237
Case Studies  246
Chapter 6:  Punishment and the Death Penalty   
History of the Death Penalty 253
The Death Penalty Today  254
The Death Penalty and Juvenile Offenders  256
The Medicalization of Executions  258
The Philosophers on the Death Penalty  259
Moral Issues  261
Conclusion  266
Ebxest van den Haag, “The Ultimate Punishment: A Defense of Capital Punishment” 267
Qwstopher W. Morris, “Punishment and Loss of Moral -Standing” 272
Heco Adam Bedau, “Capital Punishment”  279
Jeffket Reman, “Why the Death Penalty Should be Abolished”  291
Helen Prejean, from Dead Man Walking  298
Case Studies  307
Chapter 7:  Drug and Alcohol Use  314
What Is a Drug?  314
The History of Drug and Alcohol Use 315
Legal and Illegal Drugs  317
Drug and Alcohol Use Today  318
Drug and Alcohol Use among College Students  319
Drugs in Sports  320
The Disease Model of Addiction  
The Moral Model of Addiction  321
The Philosophers on Drug and Alcohol Abuse  322
Moral Issues  322
Conclusion 326
Thomas Szasz, ‘The Ethics of Addiction”  327
James Q. Wilson, “Against the Legalization of Drugs” 335
Douglas N. Husak, “A Moral Right to Use Drugs”  343
Thomas H. Murray, “Drugs, Sports, and Ethics”  351
Case Studies 358
Chapter 8: Homosexuality and Same-Sex Marriage  364
Background and Key Terms  364
Religious and Cultural Attitudes Toward Homosexuality  
Homosexuality, the Law, and Same-Sex Marriage 367
The Disease Model of Homosexuality 370
Hate Crimes  372
The Philosophers on Homosexuality 373
Moral Issues  374
Michael Ruse, “Is Homosexuality Bad Sexuality?”  378
John M. Finnis, “Law, Morality, and ‘Sexual Orientation’” 385
Michael Nava and Robert Dawidoff, “The Case for Gay Marriage”  
Margaret O’Brien Steinfels, “Marriage’s True Ends”  397
Cheshire Calhoun, “Family’s Outlaws:  
Rethinking the Connections Between Feminism, Lesbianism, and the Family”  400
Case Studies  406
Freedom of Speech  413
What Is “Freedom of Speech?”  413
Limitations on Freedom of Speech  414
The First Amendment to the U.S. Constitution 415
 Freedom of Speech in Cyberspace  416
Hate Speech as Protected Speech  418
Speech Codes on College Campuses 420
The Philosophers on Freedom of Speech  422
 Moral Issues  423
 Conclusion  426
Charles R. Lawrence III, “If He Hollers Let Him Go: Regulating Racist Speech on Campus”  427
Jonathan Rauch, “In Defense of Prejudice: Why Incendiary Speech Must Be Protected”  436
 John Taylor, “Are You Politically Correct?”  442
Alan M. Dershowitz, “Political Correctness, Speech Codes, and Diversity”  449
Cass R. Sunstein, ‘The First Amendment in Cyberspace” 451
Case Studies  456
Chapter 10:  Sexism, Pornography, and Violence Against Women   
Sexism and Gender Inequalities  464
The Philosophers on Sexism and Women 465
Pornography  466
“Pornography Is the Theory and Rape Is the Practice” 468
Sexual Harassment 469
Domestic Violence 470
Moral Issues 471
Conclusion  473
Catherine A. MacKinnon, “Pornography, Civil Rights, and Speech”  475
Lois Pineau, “Date Rape: A Feminist Analysis” 483
Katie Roiphe, “Reckless Eyeballing: Sexual Harassment on Campus” 492
 Steven Goldberg, “Male Aggression and the Attainment of Power, Authority, and Status”  507
Case Studies 513
Chapter 11: Racism and Affirmative Action   
Defining the Key Terms 520
The Philosophers on Racism 522
The Roots of American Racism  523
 Racism Todav  529
Moral Issues  531
Conclusion  533
Shelby Steele, “I’m Black, You’re White, Who’s Innocent?”  534
Jorge Garcia, “The Heart of Racism”  539
Bernard R. Boxill, “The Color-Blind Principle”  551
Michael Levin, “Race, Biology, and Jusdce”  558
Uma Narayan, “Colonialism and Its Others: Considerations on Righ Discourses”  567
Case Studies  573
Chapter 12:  Nonhuman Animals and the Environment  580
The Legal and Moral Status of the Environment 582
The Philosophers on the Moral Value of Nonhuman Animals and the Environment 583
Animal Farming, Environmental Degradation, and Vegetarianism  585
Pollution and Global Warming  587
Animal Experimentation 587
 Moral Issues 589
Conclusion  592
Tom Regan, ‘The Moral Basis of Vegetarianism”  593
 Jan Narveson, “Animal Rights Revisited”  598
Peter Singer, from Animal Liberation  564
Carl Cohen, “Do Animals Have Rights?” 613
Aldo Leopold, “The Land Ethic” 622
Bill Devall and George Sessions, “Deep Ecology”  626
 Richard Watson, “A Critique of Anti-Anthropocentric Ethics”  632
Karen J. Warren, “The Power and the Promise of Ecological Feminism"  
Case Studies  644
Appendix I: Writing a Paper in Moral Philosophy A-1   
Appendix II: Debating Moral Issues A-20   
Endnotes N-1   
Credits C-1  
 Index 1-1