Introduction to the Prophets
Tác giả: Thomas L. Leclere
Ký hiệu tác giả: LE-T
DDC: 223.2 - Các sách Ngôn sứ
Ngôn ngữ: Anh
Số cuốn: 2

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Mã số: 617BC0011103
Nhà xuất bản: Paulist Press
Năm xuất bản: 2007
Khổ sách: 21
Số trang: 402
Kho sách: Ban Thần
Tình trạng: Đang mượn
Mã số: 617BC0011104
Nhà xuất bản: Paulist Press
Năm xuất bản: 2007
Khổ sách: 21
Số trang: 402
Kho sách: Ban Thần
Tình trạng: Hiện có
» Thêm vào danh sách tác phẩm yêu thích
List of Illustrations XV
Introduction  xvii
The Goal  xvii
Special Features of This Book xviii
Some Technical Details  XX
Chapter 1. Prophecy in Its Various Contexts  1
Geographical Context  2
The Pertile Crescent 2
Historical Context 4
From Joseph to Saul  4
From David to the Retum from Exile 5
Social and Cross-Cultural Contexts 6
Cultural Assumptions 8
Religious Context 10
Literary Context 12
The Development of Prophetic Literature 12
Biblical Books as Literary Works 14
Canonical Context  14
Summary 16
Chapter 2. Intermediaries and Prophets in the Ancient Near East 18
Gods and Heavenly Rule  19
Kings and Earthly Rule 21
Priests and Temple Power 24
Divination  27
Inductive or Instrumental Divinatíon  27
Intuitive or Mediated Divination 29
Evidence from Egypt 29
Evidence from Mesopotamia 30
Inductive Divination  30
Intuitive Divination  31
Texts from Mari 32
The Signiíicance of These Texts  34
Summary  35
Chapter 3. Stories of Prophets in the Pentateuch  37
The Documentary Hypothesis 38
Heroes of the North: Abraham, Moses, and Mừiam (E)  41
Abraham 41
Moses 42
The Call  42
The Golden Calf  44
Miriam 46
Balaam 47
The Book of Deuteronomy 49
The Book of Deuteronomy and the Documentary Hypothesis  50
The Book of Deuteronomy and Prophecy 51
Moses as Prophet  52
Deuteronomic Criteria for Judging Authentic Prophets  53
Deuteronomy and the Covenant 56
Chapter 4. Stories of Prophets in the Deuteronomistic History 61
"Deuteronomistic History" or the "Former Prophets"? 61
Prophets and Prophecy in the Deuteronomistic History 62
Joshua as Prophet  62
Deborah: Prophetess and Judge  63
The Rise of Kingship 64
Samuel and the Emergence of Prophecy  65
The Call  70
Samuel's Last Prophecy 71
The Rise of David 72
Nathan, Prophet in David's Royal Court  72
Solomon and the Division of the Kingdom 79
Ahijah the Shilonite Designates a New King  81
Rehoboam, Son of Solomon 82
Shemaiah Prevents War 82
"The Sins of Jeroboam" and the Man of God 83
From Jeroboam to Elijah 85
Baal, Canaanite God of Fertility and Storm 86
The Elijah Stories  87
Drought in the Land of Baal  87
The Contest on Mount Carmel  88
Elijah at the Mountain of God 89
Naboth's Vineyard 91
Micaiah ben Imlah 92
Elijah's Fiery Departure  93
Evidence of Prophetic Actívity among Israel's Neighbors  94
The Mesha Inscription  94
The Zakkur Inscription 96
Elisha the Prophet  97
Concluding Comments 97
Chapter 5. The Prophetic Books  100
How to Proceed: Canonical or Chronological Order?  100
A Variety of Terms 101
The Content of Prophetic Books  102
The Formation of Prophetic Books  103
Prose and Poetry 104
Important Themes and Mọtifs 107
Ethical Conduct 108
Justice 109
Judgment 110
The Courtroom 111
Divine Sovereignty  112
Israel and Zion/Jerusalem 113
Repentance and Hope 114
The World of the Eighth-Century Prophets 115
From Elisha to Jeroboam II 115
The Reign of Jeroboam II  116
Economic Prosperity and Social Injustice 116
1.  The Monarchy 118
2.  Urbanization  118
The Rise of As9yria  120
Chapter 6. Amos of Tekoa, Prophet of Doom 123
The Prophet 123
The Superscription  123
The Call  124
The Book  126
Signiíicance of Editorial Activity  128
Important Themes and Passages 129
Judgment against the Kingdoms 129
Judgment against Israel  130
Judgment 131
Social Justice 132
The Cult 133
The Prophet as Intercessor 134
Amos and the Traditions of Israel 135
The Day of Yahweh 136
Election  137
Exodus 138
Amos in Later Traditions  139
Chapter 7. Hosea, Prophet of the Covenant 142
The Times 142
The Prophet 144
Biographical Iníormation 144
Location 145
Date 146
The Book  146
Important Themes and Passages 147
Marriage and the Covenant 147
Justice and Worship 149
Judgment 150
Divine Compassion 152
Fertility  153
Hosea and the Traditions of Israel 155
Ancient Heroes: Abraham, Jacob, and Moses 155
Exodus and the Wilderness 156
Covenant and Knovvledge of God  157
Hosea in Later Traditions 159
Chapter 8. Isaiah, Prophet of Zion 162
Special Issue: One Book, Three Isaiahs 162
The Status of Jerusalem  162
The Rulers of Kingdoms 163
The Enemies of Judah 163
The Book  164
The Prophet 166
The Call  166
The Times 167
The Syro-Ephraimite War of 734-732  168
Theological Signiíicance  170
The Fall of Samaria in 722/721  170
Theological Signiíicance  171
The Siege of Jerusalem in 701  171
Theological Signiíicance  173
Important Themes and Passages 174
Survey of Major Concerns 174
David and Jerusalem: Royal Theology 177
The House of David 177
The City of Jerusalem 178
Social Justice 180
God Rules over All  181
Trust in Yahweh 182
Eschatology 183
"That Day" 183
The Remiiant 184
First Isaiah in Later Traditions 185
Chapter 9. Micah of Moresheth 188
The Times 188
The Prophet 189
TheBook  190
Important Themes and Passages 191
Justice 191
Unjust Acquisition of Land and Property 192
Oppression of the Poor  192
côrrupt Leaders  193
The Call to "Do Justice" 194
Judgment 195
Idolatry 195
Misplaced Coníidence 196
Legal Language 197
Restoration  199
Zion VVlll Be Exalted 199
A Remnant Shall Return  200
A King Shall Rule 200
Micah and the Traditions of Israel 201
Micah in Later Traditions  202
Chapter 10. Three Late Seventh-Century Prophets:  
Zephaniah, Nahum, Habakkuk  205
The Times 205
Josiah and "the Book of the Law" 207
Special Issue: Assyrian Prophecy and Prophetic Texts 209
The Book of Zephaniah  212
The Prophet 212
The Book  212
Important Themes and Passages 213
The Day of the Lord 213
Judgment 214
The Remnant  216
Zephaniah and the Traditions of Israel 217
Zephaniah in Later Traditions 218
The Book of Nahum 219
The Prophet and His Times  219
The Book  220
Important Themes and Passages 221
The Divine Warrior 221
Divine Sovereignty 222
Divine Justice 223
Nahum and the Traditions of Israel  224
Nahum in Later Traditions 225
The Book of Habakkuk 226
The Prophet and His Times  226
The Book  227
Important Themes and Passages 228
Justice in the Human Realm  228
Divine Justice 229
Faith and the Reliability of God's Plan  230
"A Prayer of the Prophet Habakkuk"  231
Habakkuk and the Traditions of Israel 232
Habakkuk in Later Traditions  232
Chapter 11. The Fall of Jcrusalem:  
Jeremiah, Lamentations, and Obadiah  235
The Times 235
Trouble in David's Royal House 236
The Book of Jeremiah 239
The Prophet 239
Family and Priestly Background 239
The call 240
The Persecuted Prophet 242
The Lamentations of Jeremiah 243
The Book  246
Jeremiah and the Deuteronomists 246
Baruch the Scribe and Jeremiah's Book 247
Important Themes and Passages 248
The Covenant 248
The Nature of the Covenant 249
Violations of the Covenant  251
1. Idolatiy 251
2. Inịustice  253
The Covenant Curse: Destruction  255
New Covenant  256
Misdirected Faith 257
The Temple Sermon 258
Foreign Alliances  259
Prophets and Prophecy 260
Other Prophets  260
Conữontation with Hananiah 261
Deuteronomic Criteria 262
Prophet as Intercessor  263
Hope  264
The Remnant 265
Buying Property and Building Houses 267
Jeremiah and the Traditions of Israel  268
Jeremiah in Later Ttaditions 269
The Book of Lamentations 272
The Book of the Prophet Obadiah  274
The Prophet and His Times  274
The Book  275
Important Themes and Pạssages 275
The Sins of Edom 275
The Day of the Lord 276
Divine Sovereignty  276
Obadiah and the Traditions of Israel 276
Obadiah in Later Traditions 277
Chapter 12. Ezekiel, Prie8t and Prophet in Exile 278
The Times 278
Life in Exile 279
Life in Jerusalem and the Continuation of Worship  280
Spedal Issue: The Grovving Importance of Torah  280
The Prophet 281
The Call 282
The Book  283
Important Themes and Passages 285
Prophetic Signs  285
The Prophet as Intercessor 287
The Righteous Cannot Save the Wicked 287
Moral Blackmail  287
Moral Pressure  288
Ezekiel's Presentation of God  289
The Holy and the Proíane  290
The Sin of Judah  291
History of Sin 291
Idolatry 292
Injustice  292
The Consequence of Sin: The Departure of the Glory of the Lord
Ezekiel and Jeremiah Compared 293
Personal Responsibility  295
Hope for the Future 296
God, the Shepherd  296
Vision of the Dry Bones 297
The Restored Temple, City, and Land 29 7
1.  The Temple  297
2.  The River Flowing from the Temple 298
3.  New Leadership  298
4.  The Land Reapportioned 299
Ezekiel and the Traditions of Israel 299
Prophetic Traditions  299
Priestly Traditions 300
Mythic Traditions  301
Ezekiel in Later Traditions  301
Chapter 13. The Second Isaiah: Consolation in Exile 304
The Times 304
Nabonidus, Babylon's Last King 304
Cyrus, the Persian 305
The Astral Cult in Babylon 306
Theological Crisis  308
The Prophet 309
The Call 309
The Book  310
Important Themes and Passages 312
The Sovereignty of Yahvveh 312
Creation  312
Redemption: God's Power to Save  313
1.  ANevvExodus 316
2.  Cyrus, The Lord's Anointed 317
Monotheism and the Denunciation of Idols as Unreal 319
1.  The Idols on Trial  320
2.  Parody of Idol Makers 322
3.  No God but Yahweh 322
The Servant of Yahweh 323
The First Song 324
The Second Song 325
The Third Song 325
The Fourth Song 326
Reprise: The Role of the Prophet 327
Second Isaiah and the Traditions of Israel 328
Second Isaiah in Later Traditions 330
Chapter 14. Prophecy after the Exile (Part 1):  
Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi 333
The Times 333
The Decree of Cyrus and the Return  333
Resettlement Próblems 334
Rebuilding the Temple 335
The Book of the Law 336
The Book of Haggai  337
The Prophet 338
The Book  338
Important Themes and Passages 339
Call to Build the Temple 339
God, the Giver of Fertility and Prosperity 339
A Restored Kingdom? 340
Haggai and the Traditions of Israel 341
Haggai in Later Traditions  341
The Book of Fừst Zechariah  342
The Prophet 342
The Book  342
Important Themes and Passages 343
Return to Me! 343
DoJustice! 343
Visions, Angels, and the Satan  344
Priestly Concerns 345
Zechariah9—14  346
The Book  347
Important Themes and Passages 348
Sovereignty of Yahweh 348
Yahweh, the Divine Warrior 348
Yahweh, the Shepherd 349
Ịerusalem and the House of David 349
Zechariah and the Traditions of Israel .... 350
Zechariah in Later Traditions 351
The Book of Malachi 352
The Prophet 352
The Book  353
Important Themes and Passages 354
Èlection  354
Proper Worship  354
Faithlessness 355
Prepare the Way 356
Moses and EIijah  357
Malachi and the Traditions of Israel 357
Malachi in Later Traditions 358