Who Shall Ascend the Mountain of the Lord | |
Phụ đề: | A Biblical Theology of the Book of Leviticus |
Tác giả: | L. Michael Morales |
Ký hiệu tác giả: |
MO-L |
DDC: | 223 - Các sách Lịch sử và Ngôn sứ |
Ngôn ngữ: | Anh |
Tập - số: | Vol 37 |
Số cuốn: | 1 |
Hiện trạng các bản sách
» Thêm vào danh sách tác phẩm yêu thích
Serial preface | 7 | |
Author's preface | 9 | |
Abbreviations | 11 | |
Prologue: The glory of God's house: the lampstand and the table of the Presence | 15 | |
1 | Leviticus: within the Pentateuch: a theological structure | 23 |
Introduction | 23 | |
The structure of the Pentateuch | 23 | |
Conclusion | 38 | |
2 | Longing for Eden: Genesis, the narrative context of Leviticus | 39 |
Created to dwell in God's house: the Pentateuch's prolong | 39 | |
Deepening exile from the presence of God: the Pentateuch's plot | 49 | |
Excursus: cultic theology in the primeval history | 64 | |
3 | Returing to Eden: Exodus, the narrative context of Leviticus | 75 |
Redeemed through the waters: Exod. 1:11- 15:21 | 77 | |
Brought to the mountain of God: Exod. 15:22- 24:18 | 86 | |
Tabernacle, life with God: Exod. 25-40 | 93 | |
Conclusion | 106 | |
4 | Approaching the house of God: the dramatic movement of Leviticus 1-10 | 109 |
Introduction | 109 | |
The narrative drama from Leviticus 1 to 10 | 112 | |
Understanding the sacrificial cultus (Lev. 1-8) | 122 |
5 | Cleansing the house of God: the dramatic movement of Leviticus 11-16 | 145 |
Introduction | 145 | |
The narrative drama from Leviticus 11 to 16 | 145 | |
Understanding the laws on clean and unclean (Lev. 11-15) | 153 | |
Leviticus 16: the Day of Atonement | 167 | |
Excursus: Adam's fall | 180 | |
6 | Meeting with God at the house of God: the dramatic movement of Leviticus 17-27 | 185 |
Introduction | 185 | |
The symbolism of the lampstand and bread of the Presence | 187 | |
The dramatic movement of Leviticus 17-25 | 194 | |
Understanding Israel's call to holiness (Lev. 17-22) | 207 | |
7 | Establishing the earthly house of God: from Sinai's tabernacle to Zion's temple | 221 |
Introduction | 221 | |
Zion, mountain of God as Israel's inheritance | 224 | |
Exile and restoration | 238 | |
Conclusion | 254 | |
8 | entering the heavenly house of God: from the earthly to the heavenly Mount Zion | 257 |
Introduction | 257 | |
The ascent of Christ's humanity | 260 | |
The descent of Christ's Spirit | 279 | |
Conclusion | 304 | |
Bibliography | 307 | |
Index of authors | 331 | |
Index of Scripture references | 337 |