Adopted into God's Family | |
Phụ đề: | Exploring a Pauline Metaphor |
Tác giả: | Trevor J. Burker |
Ký hiệu tác giả: |
BU-T |
DDC: | 227.06 - Thần học thánh Phaolô |
Ngôn ngữ: | Anh |
Tập - số: | Vol 22 |
Số cuốn: | 1 |
Hiện trạng các bản sách
» Thêm vào danh sách tác phẩm yêu thích
Serial preface | 11 | |
Author's preface | 13 | |
Abbreviations | 17 | |
1 | Adoption: A misinterpreted metaphor? | 21 |
Introduction | 21 | |
Theological misunderstandings of adoption | 23 | |
Interests in adoption have been too narrowly focused | 29 | |
2 | Adoption: Another soteriological metaphor for Paul | 32 |
Introduction | 32 | |
A working definition of metaphor | 32 | |
The characteristics and function of metaphor | 33 | |
The literary context | 35 | |
The social context | 36 | |
Adoption as another soteriological metaphor | 37 | |
Adoption as an organizing soteriological metaphor for Paul | 41 | |
Summary | 45 | |
3 | The origin and background of Paul's adoption metaphor | 46 |
The Old Testament background | 47 | |
The Greek background | 58 | |
The Roman background | 60 | |
Summary | 70 | |
4 | "Abba, Father" and his family of adopted sons | 72 |
Introduction | 72 | |
The Father's plan: Elected and predestined unto adoption (Eph. 1) | 73 | |
God as a sovereign paterfamilias (Gal. 4:1-7) | 83 | |
The Father, the Spirit and the revelation of our adoption as sons | 89 | |
"Abba, Father" : The familial cry of the son and the adopted sons of God | 90 | |
Summary | 98 | |
5 | God the Son and the adopted sons of God | 100 |
Introduction | 100 | |
Jesus: God's "adopted" Son (Rom. 1:3-4) | 102 | |
God's Son and our adoption as sons in Romans | 107 | |
The Son, sonship and huiothesia of believers in Galatians | 111 | |
Adoption through union with Christ the Son of God (Ephesians) | 120 |
Summary | 123 | |
6 | Adoption and the Spirit | 125 |
Introduction | 125 | |
The "familial" role of the Spirit in our adoptions as sons | 126 | |
The old era of the Torah (Gal. 3/Rom.7) and the new epoch of the pneuma (Gal. 4/Rom.8) | 129 | |
The Spirit: An eschatological gift | 131 | |
Sonship: An eschatological gift | 135 | |
The Spirit and sonship: (Rom. 8:14), sonship and the Spirit (Gal. 4:6a) | 137 | |
The Spirit of adoption | 140 | |
Adoption, the Spirit and the moral imperative | 143 | |
Adoption and the dual witness of the Spirit with our spirit | 148 | |
Summary | 150 | |
7 | Adoption and honour | 152 |
Introduction | 152 | |
Adoption and honour in antiquity | 152 | |
Adoption and honour in Galatians | 154 | |
Adoption and honour in Romans | 159 | |
The Holy Spirit: God's honourable approval of our huiothesia | 172 | |
Summary | 175 | |
8 | Adoption and living between the "now" and "not yet" | 177 |
Romans 8:18-27 in context | 178 | |
Sonship, suffering and the future glory of the non-human created order (vv. 18-22) | 180 | |
Adoption, suffering and future glory of believers (vv. 23-25) | 187 | |
Adoption and the improvisation of God's Spirit (vv. 26-27) | 191 | |
Adoption and final conformity to the eikõn of God's Son (v.29) | 191 | |
Summary | 193 | |
Summary | 194 | |
Appendix: Some alleged cases of adoption in the Old Testament | 198 | |
Elizer, Abraham's slave (Gen. 15:3) | 198 | |
Moses (Exod. 2:10), Ephraim and Manasseh (Gen. 48:5) and Esther (Esth. 2:7) | 199 | |
Bibliography | 202 | |
Index of authors | 223 | |
Index of Scripture references | 226 | |
Index of ancient sources | 232 |