The Catholic Church: Nature, Reality and Mission
Tác giả: ĐHY. Walter Kasper
Ký hiệu tác giả: KA-W
DDC: 262.01 - Điều hành và tổ chức Giáo hội
Ngôn ngữ: Anh
Số cuốn: 1

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Mã số: 617BC0010868
Nhà xuất bản: Bloomsbury
Năm xuất bản: 2015
Khổ sách: 24
Số trang: 462
Kho sách: Ban Thần
Tình trạng: Hiện có
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Translator’s note XV
Preface XVII
I. My journey in and with the Church  1
1. The Church-‘black, but beautiful’  1
2. My coming-of-age during the pre-conciliar renewals  4
3. Theological formation as a student  5
    The Tubingen School  5
    Schelling and Thomas Aquinas  7
    Karl Rahner - Henri de Lubac - Yves Congar - Hans Kiing  9
    A living tradition  9
4. The lasting significance of the Second Vatican Council 10
    Awakening and renewal  10
    Principles of conciliar hermeneutics  12
    Post-conciliar reception history (Wirkungsgeschichte)  14
5. Post-conciliar controversies  16
    My time in Munster  16
    Pastoral issues  16
    The 1968 revolution and the theology of liberation  18
    Controversies concerning Professor Hans Kiing  19
    ‘Consolidation’  19
6. Breakthrough to my own ecclesiological approach 20
    The Extraordinary Synod of Bishops, 1985  20
    Communio as guiding principle  21
    A new communial and relational way of thinking  22
7. Pastoral and ecumenical expansions of the horizon  23
    Pastoral experiences as a bishop  23
    Extending the perspective internationally  24
    Expanding the horizon ecumenically  25
    Dialogue with the Oriental churches  27
    Dialogue with the churches of the Reformation  28
    Dialogue with the free churches  29
    Religious dialogue with the Jews  31
8. Present crises and challenges  32
    The present internal crisis  32
    The end of the Constantinian epoch  33
    A secular age?  34
    The Church as qualitative and creative minority   36
    What this book seeks to do  37
II. Outlines of Catholic ecclesiology  38
1. Preliminary considerations from the perspective of   
    fundamental theology  38
1.1. Introduction  38
    ‘Church’ - an ambiguous word   38
    Understanding the Church from inside out  39
    The basic problem of ecclesiology  40
1.2. Preliminary methodological considerations   42
    Ecclesiological method - ecclesiology as the science of faith   42
    Ecclesiology as the self-reflection of the Church   43
    Ecclesiology as ecclesial science  45
    The dogmatic character of ecclesiology  47
    Scripture and Tradition within the self-reflection of the Church  50
    Dogmatics as an open system  51
    ‘Faith seeking understanding’ - speculative theology   53
    Theology as an invitation to faith, not as proof of faith   54
1.3. Philosophical preconsiderations   55
    Communio and communication   55
    Hope for perfect communication   57
    Pre-understanding as an invitation to decision  59
2. The horizons of universal and salvation history  61
2.1. The mystery of communion  61
    A brief glance at the history of ecclesiology    61
    The systematic location of ecclesiology  66
    Preliminary considerations for a theological understanding of mystery  68
    The biblical meaning of mystery   73
    The Church in light of the mystery of the Trinity   75
    The Church as the universal sacrament of salvation   78
    The Church as a work of art - the beauty of the Church  81
2.2. The kingdom of God and the Church  83
    God’s saving design - the gathering together and establishment of  
    peace among the nations  83
    Jesus’ message of the kingdom of God  84
    Did Jesus want a church?  86
    The Jesuanic and Christological foundations of the Church  87
    What is the meaning of ‘ecclesia’ - ‘Church’?   90
    The Church - institution and/or event?   92
    The earthly church and the heavenly Church   95
    The Church as eschatological sign  97
2.3. The Church as the house of wisdom and temple of God   101
    The Church as the house of wisdom  101
    The public mandate of the Church   103
    The Church as temple and house of God   105
    Current significance  107
2.4. The Church as congregatio fidelium and communio sanctorum   108
    The Church as congregatio fidelium  108
    The Church as communio sacramentorum  110
    The ‘belonging together’ and eschatological dimension of word  
    and sacrament  112
2.5. No salvation outside the Church?  114
    Massa damnata or universal salvation?  114
    Biblical foundations and developments in the history of  
    theology  115
    The teaching of Vatican II   116
    Why then still mission?  118
3. Defining the nature of the Church  119
3.1. The Church as ‘people of God’ - the theocentric and doxological  119
      architecture of the Church   
    The meaning of the term ‘people of God’  119
    The significance of the ‘people of God’ in the history of salvation  120
    The Second Vatican Council   122
    Universal significance  123
    Theocentric and doxological aspects of the ‘people of God’  125
3.2. The Church as body and bride of Christ - the Christocentrism   
       of the  Church  126
    Biblical foundations   126
    An eventful historical development   128
    The Second Vatican Council  130
    The Church as bride and prostitute  131
3.3. The Church as the temple of the Holy Spirit -   
       the Pneumatological dimension  135
    The pneumatological dimension of the Church   135
    Does the West forget the Spirit?  136
    The charismatic dimension of the Church   138
    Charisma and institution - the Church as sacrament of the Spirit  140
    The universal efficacy of the Spirit   142
    Discerning the spirits  143
3.4. Mary — archetype of the Church   145
    The human-earthly person of Mary   146
    Mother of God and mother of the Church  146
    Sola gratia — sola fide  147
    Mary as type of the Church, new Eve and seat of Wisdom  149
4. The marks of the Church of Jesus Christ  151
4.1. The one Church of Jesus Christ and the many churches   152
    Unity as unicity of the Church  152
    Inner unity and diversity of the Church    154
    Unity of the Church - unity of humanity  155
    The scandal of divisions  156
    Catholic and Reformation understandings of the unity of the      158
    ‘Subsistit in’  159
4.2. The holiness of the Church and sin in the Church    162
    Holiness as the mysterium tremendum of God  162
    The Church as the holy people of God  163
    Structural holiness  165
    All are called to holiness    166
    Sin and sinners in the Church  169
    A sinful Church?  170
    Ecclesia semper purificanda  173
4.3. The greatness and scandalousness of the catholicity of the church  174
    What is the meaning of ‘catholic’?  174
    Denominational narrowness   176
    Overcoming denominationalism   177
    Catholic fullness   178
    The Church as concretum universale   179
    Ecumenical catholicity  180
4.4. Apostolicity as a unique foundation and a perpetually new task   182
    The fundamental significance of apostolicity  182
    Different theologies of apostolicity    183
    The eschatological-missionary dimension  184
    Apostolic succession  186
    The debate concerning early Catholicism; or, once again:  189
    institution and/or charisma?   
    ‘Apostolicity’ used critically against the church - the controversy  
    with the reformers  190
    The Second Vatican Council  192
    The current ecumenical debate  194
5. The concrete form of the Church as communio  197
5.1. The Church of the people of God   197
    Preliminary considerations  197
    The common priesthood of all the baptized - biblical foundations  198
    The testimony of the Church Fathers and of high scholastic  199
    Luther’s doctrine of the universal priesthood   201
    The Second Vatican Council  202
5.2. The vocation of the laity   204
    Historical overview  204
    The Second Vatican Council    207
    Post-conciliar developments  210
    Laypeople in pastoral service  212
    Marriage and family as the particular place of the vocation of  213
    the laity   
    The place of women in the Church  214
5.3. The offices of the Church as nexuses of service for  219
    the communio   
    Ministry as service  219
    The foundation of Church offices in Jesus’ calling of 220
    the disciples     
    The development of the apostolic Church  221
    The development of the episcopal office in the Old Church   225
    Medieval developments  227
    The critiques of the Reformers and the reply of the Council  228
    of Trent   
    The episcopal office at the Second Vatican Council  231
    The ministry of the priest  232
    The post-conciliar identity crisis and a new orientation of  233
    the priestly ministry   
    Celibacy - a permanent topic of controversy    235
    Ordination to the priesthood for women?  237
    The permanent diaconate   238
    In the end: ministry and community  240
    Excursus on the ecumenical discussion of ministry and the   242
     mutual recognition of ministries   
5.4. The Petrine office - the ministry of unity   246
    Biblical foundations  246
    The Petrine office in the first millennium    248
    The Latin West in the second millennium  252
    The First Vatican Council   255
    The Second Vatican Council   258
    Open and ongoing questions  261
    On understanding infallible ex-cathedra decisions   262
    The Petrine office in the ecumenical dialogues  266
5.5. Collegiality, conciliarity and synodality in the life of the Church  269
    Historical significance  269
    Theological understanding  270
    The Second Vatican Council and the post-conciliar  
    development  271
5.6. The one Church and the many individual churches  273
5.7. The future of the parish structure  277
    The parish and the community/congregation   277
    Volkskirche - the church of the people   278
    The future parish - the centrally located church and many  279
     surrounding communities   
5.8. Monasticism, religious orders and spiritual communities    281
    Religious orders — charisma and institution  282
    Monasticism  284
    Religious communities   286
    Spiritual movements  287
6. The missionary and dialogical Church  289
6.1. The missionary Church   289
    Biblical foundations  289
    The new situation and the new approach of the Second Vatican  290
    A theology of mission   292
    Mission today  293
    Mission and dialogue  294
6.2 The Church in dialogue  295
6.2.1 The dialogue with Judaism  296
    A complex history  296
    The new beginning of Nostra aetate  298
    The salvation of the Jews and the problem of missionizing  
    the Jews  299
6.2.2 Ecumenical dialogue  301
    A short historical overview  301
    Catholic principles of ecumenical dialogue  304
    Theology of the ecumenical dialogues  306
    The basic problem: different visions and objectives   307
    Spiritual ecumenism and the ecumenism of life  309
    How long is the journey?  311
6.2.3 Dialogue with the religions   311
    The position of the Church   312
    The general term ‘religion’?   313
    So, what is religion?  314
    The openness and distinctiveness of Christianity-three theses  315
    What does it mean to claim absoluteness for Christianity?  318
    The one God - the one humanity  318
    Back to the question of Christian identity  320
6.2.4 Dialogue with the world of today  321
    The objective of and problem with the pastoral constitution  321
    What does ‘modern world’ mean?  323
    The Church and the modern world  324
    Inculturation as Passover event  325
    Small cells as biotopes of cultural renewal  327
    The testimony of the martyrs  327
7. Whither the way of the Church?  329
    A complex and multi-layered crisis  329
    Courage for the future  330
    Partings and departures  331
    The Church - ‘black, but beautiful’  332
    The lasting relevance of Christianity and the Church  333
    The Church as eschatological sign  334
    Three priorities  335
    The programmatic slogan ‘new evangelization’  338
    Martyria, leiturgia, diakonia  341
    The fraternal, dialogical and communicative Church  344
    Hope for a renewed Pentecost - joy in God and joy in the Church  346
    Notes  348
    Abbreviations  445
Index  446