Tác giả: Daniel J. Estes
Ký hiệu tác giả: ES-D
DDC: 224.1 - Sách Gióp
Ngôn ngữ: Anh
Số cuốn: 1

Hiện trạng các bản sách

Mã số: 617BC0008631
Nhà xuất bản: Bar-Le-Duc, L. Guérin
Năm xuất bản: 2013
Khổ sách: 21
Số trang: 271
Kho sách: Ban Thần
Tình trạng: Hiện có
» Thêm vào danh sách tác phẩm yêu thích
Welcome to the Teach the Text Commentary series  ix
Introduction to the Teach the Text Commentary series  xi
Abbreviations xiii
Introduction to job 1
Job 1: adverity of a Righteous Man 8
Job 2: Turning Up the Pressure 14
Job 3: Job shatters the Silence 20
Job 4: How Eliphaz Explains Jos’s Adversity 26
Job 5: Eliphaz Thinks He Knows the Answer 32
Job 6: Job’s Frustration with His Friends 38
Job 7: Job’s Complaint to God 44
Job 8: Bildad Has the Answer (He Thinks!) 50
Job 9: Job Considers to Legal Dispute with God 56
Job 10: What Job Wants to tell God 62
Job 11: Zophar Rejects Job’s Complaints  68
Job 12: Job Presents Evidence against the Retribution Principle 74
Job 13: Job Turns to Speak to God 80
Job 14: Job Tries to Hope, but Ends Up in Despair 86
Job 15: Eliphaz Turns Up His Criticism of Job 92
Job 16: Job feels under Attack by God 98
Job 17: Job Finds No Hope in Life or in Death 104
Job 18: Bidad Again Beats the Retribution Drum 110
Job 19: Job’s Hope against Hope 116
Job 20: Zophar’s Final Words for Job 122
Job 21: Job Destroys the Friends’ Major Argument 128
Job 22: Eliphaz Comdemns and Counsels Job 134
Job 23: Job Feels Both Confidence and Terror 140
Job 24: Job Asks Why God Allows Sin to Continue Unpunished 146
Job 25: Bildad’s Final Attempt to Answer Job 152
Job 26: Job Hears the Whispers of God’s Works 158
Job 27: Job speaks the Whispers of God’s Works 158
Job 28: But Where can Wisdom be Found? 170
Job 29: Job Recalls the Good Old Days 176
Job 30: From the Heights of Honor to the Depths of Humiliation 182
Job 31: Job’s Final Oath of Innocence 188
Job 32: Elihu Makes His Appearance 194
Job 33: Elihu Urges Job to Listen 200
Job 34: Elihu Argues That God Always Acts Justly 206
Job 35: Elihu Describes God as Too Distant and Detached to Listen to Job 212
Job 36: Elihu Points to the Corrective Benefit of Suffering  218
Job 37: Elihu Finishes with a Flourish 224
Job 38: Yahweh Speaks as the Master Teacher 236
Job 39: Yahweh Asks Jobs about animals 236
Job 40: Yahwed Direct Job’s Attetion to Behemoth 242
Job 41: Yahwed Points Job to Leviathan 248
Job 42: Job Comes to a Good End 254
Notes  261
Bibliography 263
Image Credits 265
Contributora 266
Index 267