The Philosophical Vision of John Duns Scotus
Phụ đề: An Introduction
Tác giả: Mary Beth Ingham, Mechthild Dreyer
Ký hiệu tác giả: IN-M
DDC: 189.4 - Triết học Kinh viện
Ngôn ngữ: Anh
Số cuốn: 1

Hiện trạng các bản sách

Mã số: 617BC0010161
Nhà xuất bản: Washington, DC
Năm xuất bản: 2004
Khổ sách: 21
Số trang: 228
Kho sách: Ban Triết
Tình trạng: Hiện có
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Preface and Acknowledgments, vii  
I. The Historical Moment, I  
1.1. Philosophy in the Late Thirtcenth Century 4
1.2. Scotus’s Life and Works 9
1.3. Scotus’s Philosophical Context 16
2. Knowing Reality 22
2.1. Abstractive and Intuitivc Cognition 25
2.2. The Formal Distinction 33
2.3. The Univocity of Being 38
3. Metaphysics and Natural Knowledge of God 52
3.1. The Nobility of Metaphysics 53
3.2. The Subject of Metaphysics 58
3.3. The Proof of God’s Existence 73
4.   Modes of Being: Will and Nature 87
4.1. The Problem of Contingency 88
4.2  Contingency and the Divine Will 93
4.3. Modality 100
4.4. Common Naturc 101
4.5 The Principle of Individuation 108
5. The Foundations of a Science of Praxis  117
5.1. The Perfection of a Rational.Nature 121
5.2 .The Science of Praxis 127
5.3.  Moral Foundations: Natural Law and the Divine Will 132
5.4. The Extent of Divinc Willing 138
6. The Rational Will and Preedom 146
6.1  The aposteriori Argument from Causality 153
6.2.The apriori Consideration from the Will’s Constitution 156
6.1.The Collaboration of Intellect and Will 162
7. Practìcal Wisdom and Moral Goodness 173
7.1. Moral Goodness 175
7.2 . Practical Reasoning 186
7.3.The Role of Moral Virtue 191
8. Scotus’s Legacy 201
Select Bibliography 213
 Index 223