Mission and Catechesis
Phụ đề: Aleandre de Rhodes & Inculturation in Seventeenth - century Vietnam
Tác giả: Perter C.Phan
Ký hiệu tác giả: PH-P
DDC: 266.009 2 - Các nhà truyền giáo
Ngôn ngữ: Việt
Số cuốn: 1

Hiện trạng các bản sách

Mã số: 617BC0003913
Nhà xuất bản: Orbis books
Năm xuất bản: 2005
Khổ sách: 27
Số trang: 324
Kho sách: Ban Thần
Tình trạng: Hiện có
» Thêm vào danh sách tác phẩm yêu thích
of Christian Mission 3
- Annam: One Country in Two Parts, Tonkin and Cochinchina 4
- The Beginnings of the Christian Mission 8
and Cochinchina 10
- The Three Imported Religions: Tam Giao 13
- Vietnamese Indigenous Religion: The Cult of Heaven and Spirits 24
- The Vietnamese Language and Its Scripts 28
2. ALEXANDRE DE RHODES: Founder of Vietnamese Christianity 38
- From Avignon to Rome: A Missionary Vocation (1593-1618) 39
- From Lisbon to Macao (1618-25) 40
- A New Mission Field: First Sojourn in Cochinchina (1624-26) 45
- Mission to Tonkin (1627-30) 48
- From Macao to Cochinchina the Second Time (1640-45) 58
- The Return from Macao to Rome 66
Religious, Liturgical, and Ecclesial Adaptations 69
- Reasons for de Rhodes’s Expulsions 70
- De Rhodes and Cultural Practices 75
- De Rhodes and Vietnamese Religious Traditions 82
- Adaptations of Christian Liturgy 96
- De Rhodes and Church Organization 99
- De Rhodes and the Institution of Catechists 101
4. CATHECHISMUS: History, Structure, and Method 107
Reformation Catechisms Catechisms 107
- Early Catechisms in Asia 111
- History and Structure of Cathechismus 121
- De Rhodes’s Catechetical Method 125
- Method in the Cathechismus 131
- The Cathechismus and The spiritual Exercises 144
Doctrines in the Vietnamese Context 155
- Reason and Revelation: Two Ways of Knowing God 156
- God: The Creator and Lord of Heaven and Earth 163
- Human Beings: Supreme Glory of the Universe 170
- The Trinity: The Mystery of Salvation 175
- Jesus Christ: The Lord and King 178
- Christian Life as Imitatio christi 184
- De Rhodes’s Baptismal Catechesis: How Adequate Is Its Content? 187
6. CATECHESIS AND INCULTƯRATION:A Contemporary Assessment 191
- De Rhodes and the 1659 Instruction of Propaganda Fide 192
- De Rhodes and Contemporary Models of Inculturation 195
the Soul, and God 215
- THE SECOND DAY: Knowledge of the True God, Creator and Remunerator 224
- THE THIRD DAY: Creation of the Universe and the Fall of Humanity 235
- Oriental Religions 246
- Mary 260
- THE SIXTH DAY: The Hidden Life and Public Ministry of Jesus 272
of Jesus - Pentecost and the Church 283
THE EIGHTH DAY: Eschatology - The Decalogue - Preparation for Baptism 299
- Index 317
- Faith and Cultures 325
3. Map of Indochina designed by early Jesuit missionaries 37
4. Title page of the Cathechismus of Alexandre de Rhodes 212
5. Sample page from the Cathechismus of Alexandre de Rhodes 259