Responses to 101 Questions on the Dead Sea Scrolls
Tác giả: Joseph A. Fitzmyer, SJ
Ký hiệu tác giả: FI-J
DDC: 296.155 - Những cuộn sách cổ của Qumran
Ngôn ngữ: Anh
Số cuốn: 1

Hiện trạng các bản sách

Mã số: 617BC0010244
Nhà xuất bản: Paulist Press
Năm xuất bản: 1992
Khổ sách: 21
Số trang: 201
Kho sách: Ban Thần
Tình trạng: Hiện có
» Thêm vào danh sách tác phẩm yêu thích
1.       General xiii
2.       Dead Sea Scrolls XV
1.       What are the Dead Sea Scrolls? 1
2.       What is Qumran and what relation do the Dead Sea  
Scrolls have to it? 2
3.       How did the scrolls come to be deposited in the caves? 3
4.       Who discovered the QS? 4
5.       When were the QS discovered? 5
6.       In what country were the QS discovered? 6
7.       Where are the QS today? 6
8.       Who owns the QS? 7
9.       How did Israel acquire the seven major scrolls of Cave 1? 8
10.   How did various foreign institutions get involved in the  
Cave 4 publication project? 9
11.   Did any Cave 4 fagments fail to end up in the  
scrollery of the Palestine Archaeological Museum? 10
12.   Could the QS lack any connection with the Qumran  
community? 11
13.   What QS have been deữnitively published? 12
14.   Are the QS all texts of the OT? 13
15.   Of what sort are the nonbiblical writings of Qumran? 14
16.      In what languages have the QS been vvritten? 15
17.      Are there any NT texts among the QS? 16
18.      How are the QS dated? 16
19.      What sort of texts were discovered in Cave 1? 19
20.      What  sort of texts were discovered in Cave 2? 22
21.      What sort of texts were discovered in Cave 3? 22
22.      What sort of texts were discovered in Cave 3? 23
23.      What  sort of texts were discovered in Caves 5 and 6 24
24.      What texts were found in Cave 7? 24
25.      What texts were discovered in Caves  8, 9, 10? 24
26.      What texts were discovered in Cave 11? 25
27.      Are any of the QS related to the texts discovered at  
Masada or Khirbet Mird or in the caves of Murabba‘at, Nahal Hever, Se’elim, and Mishmar? 25
28.      What is the Manual of Discipline? 27
29.      What is the Damascus Document? 28
30.      What is the War Scroll? 30
31.      What are the Thanksgiving Psalms? 32
32.      What are the pesharim? 33
33.      What is the Genesis Apocryphon? 34
34.      What is the Copper Plaque? 35
35.      What is the Temple Scroll? 36
36.      What is the Psalms Scroll of Cave 11? 38
37.      What is the Tầrgum of Job. of Cave 11? 39
38.      How have the QS aided the study of the text of the OT? 40
39.      What do the QS contribute to our understanding of  
apocalyptic literature? 42
40.      What light do the QS shed on ancient forms of the  
Hebrew or Aramaic languages? 44
41.      What light do the QS shed on ancient Judaism? 45
42.      Were the members of the Qumran community Torah-  
observant Jews? 47
43.      How do the authors of the QS conceive of God? 48
44.      What do the QS tell us about how the people who  
wrote them understood time and history? 52
45.      Did the Qumran community have a messianic  
expectation? 53
46.     Who was the Teacher of Righteousness? 56
47.     Did the Qumran community believe that its Teacher of  
Righteousness was a Messiah? 57
48.     Did the community think that the Teacher of  
Righteousness had been put to death? 57
49.     Does any Qumran text mention cruciíìxion? 58
50.     Did the Qumran community think that its Teacher of  
Righteousness was to come back? 61
51.     But do not some texts mention the coming of the  
Interpreter of the Law at the end of days? 63
52.     Did entrance into the Qumran comraunity require a  
period of testing or initiation? 64
53.     Were the members of the Qumran communỉty celibate? 65  
54.     What was distinctive about the theological tenets of  
the Qumran community? 67
55.     What do the QS tell us about the ritual life of the  
community? 70
56.     Do the QS give us any information about the sectarian  
communal meals? 73
57.     Do the QS tell us anything about the dietary habits of  
the community? 74
58.     Do the QS tell us anything about how the community  
íunctioned and was governed? 77
59.     Do the QS tell us anything about how members of the  
community settled their differences? 83
60.     What is known about the Qumran community’s calen-  
dar and celebration of festivals? 85
61.     What do the QS tell us about the community’s ob-  
servance of the sabbath? 88
62.     What was the community’s attitude toward the Temple  
in Jerusalera? 90
63.     What do the QS tell us about the community’s deal-  
ings with Gentiles? 93
64.     What relation do the QS have to the Pharisees or  
Sadducees mentioned in the NT? 94
65.     Who were the Essenes? 96
66.     What other ancient writers tell us about the Essenes?  100
67.    Is the identiAcation of the Qumran community vvith the Essenes certain? 100
68.    How does the Qumran understanding of God differ from that in the NT? 102
69.    How do the QS help in the study of the NT? 104
70.    Is John the Baptist mentioned in the QS? Could he have been a member of the Essene community at Qumran? 106
71.    Is Jesus of Nazareth mentioned in any of the QS? 108
72.    Is there mention of anything Christian in the QS? 109
73.    Have genuine parallels to NT ideas and phrases been discovered in the QS? 110
74.    Do the QS shed any light on christological titles used in the NT? 111
75.    Does the title “Son of Man,” which appears so ữequently on the lips of Jesus in the Gospels, occur in the QS? 115
76.    Is the “Servant of Yahvveh” theme used in the QS? 116
77.    What sort of parallels have been found to the Matthean Gospel? 117
78.    What sort of parallels have been found to Johannine vvritings? 121
79.    Is not the phrase “sons of light” used elsevvhere in the 124
NT too?. 124
80.    What sort of parallels have been found to Pauline letters? 125
81.    What light have the QS shed on the Epistle to the Hebrevvs? 133
82.    In the NT Jesus íòrbids divorce. Is there anything like that in the QS?  
83.    Did the subsequent history of the Qumran sect con- tribute in any way to Jewish Christianity? 134
84.    What relation did the Qumran community have to later Christian monasticism? 140
85.    Why have the scrolls from Cave 4 created such a problem as was recently described in news media? 142
86.    What stirred up the recent interest in the QS? 147
87.    Who assembled the team of scholars to work on Cave 4 ữagments? 148
88.    Was any Qumran scroll published by someone who was not part of the international team? 150
89.    Why were there no Jewish scholars on the inter- national team? 150
90.    Have the Cave 4 texts so far published been com- petently handled? 150
91.    How did it come about that there is a concordance of Cave 4 texts, when the texts themselves have not yet been published? 152
92.    Who “bootlegged” Cave 4 texts by reconstructing them from the concordance? 153
93.    How can a concordance be used to reconstruct a text? 154
94.    Can the Cave 4 texts so reconstructed be trusted? 155
95.    Have the photographs of all the Cave 4 texts been published? 156
96.    Is this a wise or prudent course of action? 157
97.    Have there been tendentious readings of the QS? 157
98.    Have there been other tendentious readings of the QS? 158
99.    Is there any truth to the claim that Allegro made that his colleagues on the team were suppressing texts? 161
100.Has there been a conspiracy to hold up the publica- tion of the scrolls? 166
101.But do the QS contain anything that vvould tend to undermine Christian faith? 167
1.        Biblical and DSS  
2.        Topical  
3.        Modern Authors