ix |
1. General |
xiii |
2. Dead Sea Scrolls |
XV |
1. What are the Dead Sea Scrolls? |
1 |
2. What is Qumran and what relation do the Dead Sea |
Scrolls have to it? |
2 |
3. How did the scrolls come to be deposited in the caves? |
3 |
4. Who discovered the QS? |
4 |
5. When were the QS discovered? |
5 |
6. In what country were the QS discovered? |
6 |
7. Where are the QS today? |
6 |
8. Who owns the QS? |
7 |
9. How did Israel acquire the seven major scrolls of Cave 1? |
8 |
10. How did various foreign institutions get involved in the |
Cave 4 publication project? |
9 |
11. Did any Cave 4 fagments fail to end up in the |
scrollery of the Palestine Archaeological Museum? |
10 |
12. Could the QS lack any connection with the Qumran |
community? |
11 |
13. What QS have been deữnitively published? |
12 |
14. Are the QS all texts of the OT? |
13 |
15. Of what sort are the nonbiblical writings of Qumran? |
14 |
16. In what languages have the QS been vvritten? |
15 |
17. Are there any NT texts among the QS? |
16 |
18. How are the QS dated? |
16 |
19. What sort of texts were discovered in Cave 1? |
19 |
20. What sort of texts were discovered in Cave 2? |
22 |
21. What sort of texts were discovered in Cave 3? |
22 |
22. What sort of texts were discovered in Cave 3? |
23 |
23. What sort of texts were discovered in Caves 5 and 6 |
24 |
24. What texts were found in Cave 7? |
24 |
25. What texts were discovered in Caves 8, 9, 10? |
24 |
26. What texts were discovered in Cave 11? |
25 |
27. Are any of the QS related to the texts discovered at |
Masada or Khirbet Mird or in the caves of Murabba‘at, Nahal Hever, Se’elim, and Mishmar? |
25 |
28. What is the Manual of Discipline? |
27 |
29. What is the Damascus Document? |
28 |
30. What is the War Scroll? |
30 |
31. What are the Thanksgiving Psalms? |
32 |
32. What are the pesharim? |
33 |
33. What is the Genesis Apocryphon? |
34 |
34. What is the Copper Plaque? |
35 |
35. What is the Temple Scroll? |
36 |
36. What is the Psalms Scroll of Cave 11? |
38 |
37. What is the Tầrgum of Job. of Cave 11? |
39 |
38. How have the QS aided the study of the text of the OT? |
40 |
39. What do the QS contribute to our understanding of |
apocalyptic literature? |
42 |
40. What light do the QS shed on ancient forms of the |
Hebrew or Aramaic languages? |
44 |
41. What light do the QS shed on ancient Judaism? |
45 |
42. Were the members of the Qumran community Torah- |
observant Jews? |
47 |
43. How do the authors of the QS conceive of God? |
48 |
44. What do the QS tell us about how the people who |
wrote them understood time and history? |
52 |
45. Did the Qumran community have a messianic |
expectation? |
53 |
46. Who was the Teacher of Righteousness? |
56 |
47. Did the Qumran community believe that its Teacher of |
Righteousness was a Messiah? |
57 |
48. Did the community think that the Teacher of |
Righteousness had been put to death? |
57 |
49. Does any Qumran text mention cruciíìxion? |
58 |
50. Did the Qumran community think that its Teacher of |
Righteousness was to come back? |
61 |
51. But do not some texts mention the coming of the |
Interpreter of the Law at the end of days? |
63 |
52. Did entrance into the Qumran comraunity require a |
period of testing or initiation? |
64 |
53. Were the members of the Qumran communỉty celibate? 65 |
54. What was distinctive about the theological tenets of |
the Qumran community? |
67 |
55. What do the QS tell us about the ritual life of the |
community? |
70 |
56. Do the QS give us any information about the sectarian |
communal meals? |
73 |
57. Do the QS tell us anything about the dietary habits of |
the community? |
74 |
58. Do the QS tell us anything about how the community |
íunctioned and was governed? |
77 |
59. Do the QS tell us anything about how members of the |
community settled their differences? |
83 |
60. What is known about the Qumran community’s calen- |
dar and celebration of festivals? |
85 |
61. What do the QS tell us about the community’s ob- |
servance of the sabbath? |
88 |
62. What was the community’s attitude toward the Temple |
in Jerusalera? |
90 |
63. What do the QS tell us about the community’s deal- |
ings with Gentiles? |
93 |
64. What relation do the QS have to the Pharisees or |
Sadducees mentioned in the NT? |
94 |
65. Who were the Essenes? |
96 |
66. What other ancient writers tell us about the Essenes? |
100 |
67. Is the identiAcation of the Qumran community vvith the Essenes certain? |
100 |
68. How does the Qumran understanding of God differ from that in the NT? |
102 |
69. How do the QS help in the study of the NT? |
104 |
70. Is John the Baptist mentioned in the QS? Could he have been a member of the Essene community at Qumran? |
106 |
71. Is Jesus of Nazareth mentioned in any of the QS? |
108 |
72. Is there mention of anything Christian in the QS? |
109 |
73. Have genuine parallels to NT ideas and phrases been discovered in the QS? |
110 |
74. Do the QS shed any light on christological titles used in the NT? |
111 |
75. Does the title “Son of Man,” which appears so ữequently on the lips of Jesus in the Gospels, occur in the QS? |
115 |
76. Is the “Servant of Yahvveh” theme used in the QS? |
116 |
77. What sort of parallels have been found to the Matthean Gospel? |
117 |
78. What sort of parallels have been found to Johannine vvritings? |
121 |
79. Is not the phrase “sons of light” used elsevvhere in the |
124 |
NT too?. |
124 |
80. What sort of parallels have been found to Pauline letters? |
125 |
81. What light have the QS shed on the Epistle to the Hebrevvs? |
133 |
82. In the NT Jesus íòrbids divorce. Is there anything like that in the QS? |
83. Did the subsequent history of the Qumran sect con- tribute in any way to Jewish Christianity? |
134 |
84. What relation did the Qumran community have to later Christian monasticism? |
140 |
85. Why have the scrolls from Cave 4 created such a problem as was recently described in news media? |
142 |
86. What stirred up the recent interest in the QS? |
147 |
87. Who assembled the team of scholars to work on Cave 4 ữagments? |
148 |
88. Was any Qumran scroll published by someone who was not part of the international team? |
150 |
89. Why were there no Jewish scholars on the inter- national team? |
150 |
90. Have the Cave 4 texts so far published been com- petently handled? |
150 |
91. How did it come about that there is a concordance of Cave 4 texts, when the texts themselves have not yet been published? |
152 |
92. Who “bootlegged” Cave 4 texts by reconstructing them from the concordance? |
153 |
93. How can a concordance be used to reconstruct a text? |
154 |
94. Can the Cave 4 texts so reconstructed be trusted? |
155 |
95. Have the photographs of all the Cave 4 texts been published? |
156 |
96. Is this a wise or prudent course of action? |
157 |
97. Have there been tendentious readings of the QS? |
157 |
98. Have there been other tendentious readings of the QS? |
158 |
99. Is there any truth to the claim that Allegro made that his colleagues on the team were suppressing texts? |
161 |
100.Has there been a conspiracy to hold up the publica- tion of the scrolls? |
166 |
101.But do the QS contain anything that vvould tend to undermine Christian faith? |
167 |
169 |
1. Biblical and DSS |
2. Topical |
3. Modern Authors |