The Dead Sea Scrolls: Major Publications and Tools for Study
Tác giả: Joseph A. Fitzmyer, SJ
Ký hiệu tác giả: FI-J
DDC: 220.93 - Khảo cổ học Kinh Thánh
Ngôn ngữ: Anh
Số cuốn: 1

Hiện trạng các bản sách

Mã số: 617BC0010158
Nhà xuất bản: Scholars Press
Năm xuất bản: 1990
Khổ sách: 21
Số trang: 246
Kho sách: Ban Thần
Tình trạng: Hiện có
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General Abbreviations vii
Foreword xiii
1. The System of Abbreviatìon Used for the Dead Sea Scrolls 1
2. The Dead Sea Scrolls: Major Publications 9
I.  Qumran 11
A.  Cave 1 11
B.  Caves 2-3,5-10 ("Minor Caves") 20
C. Cave 4 31
D. Cave 11 68
E. Unidentiíied Cave 76
II. Masada 77
III. Muxabbacat 78
IV. Nahal Hever (Wadi Khabra) 85
V.  Nahal Se^elim (Wadi Seiyal) 89
VI. Nahal Mishmar (VVadi Mahras) 90
VII. Khirbet Mird 91
VIII. Cairo Genizah 92
3.  Bibliographies of the Dead Sea Scrolls 95
4.  Survey Artides and Preliminary Reports on Unpublished Materials 99
5.  Lists of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Fragments 105
6. Concordances, Dictionaries, and Grammars for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls  
7. Secondary Collections of Qumran Texts 113
8. Translations of ửie Dead Sea Scrolls in Collectìons 119
9.  Outlines of Some of the Dead Sea Scrolls (with Select Bibliography) 127
10.  Select Bibliography on Some Topics of Dead Sea Scrolls Study 149
I.  Palaeography of ửie Dead Sea Scrolls 152
II.  Archaeology of the Dead Sea Scrolls 153
III. The Old Testament at Qumran and Murabbacat 157
IV. OldTestamentlnterpretatíonm  
Qumran Literature 160
V. Qumran Theology 162
VI. Qumran Messianism 164
VII. The New Testament at Qumran? 168
VIII. The Qumran Scrolls and the NewTestament 173
A.  Qumran Literature and Pauline Writmgs 176
B. Qưmran Literatưre and  
Johannine Writìngs  178
IX. The Qumran Calendar and Related Problems 180
A. The Qumran Calendar 182
B.  The Qurrtran Calendar and the Date of Passover in the New Testament 183
X.  History of the Quxnran Community 187
11.  The Copper Plaque Mentioning Buried Treasure  
12.   Indexes 189
I.  Index of Modem Authors 197
II. Index of Biblical Passages 205
III. Index of Extrabiblical Passages 239
IV.  Index of the Dead Sea Scrolls according to Sigla, A 241
V.   Index of the Dead Seă Scrolls according to Sigla, B 243