General Abbreviations |
vii |
Foreword |
xiii |
1. The System of Abbreviatìon Used for the Dead Sea Scrolls |
1 |
2. The Dead Sea Scrolls: Major Publications |
9 |
I. Qumran |
11 |
A. Cave 1 |
11 |
B. Caves 2-3,5-10 ("Minor Caves") |
20 |
C. Cave 4 |
31 |
D. Cave 11 |
68 |
E. Unidentiíied Cave |
76 |
II. Masada |
77 |
III. Muxabbacat |
78 |
IV. Nahal Hever (Wadi Khabra) |
85 |
V. Nahal Se^elim (Wadi Seiyal) |
89 |
VI. Nahal Mishmar (VVadi Mahras) |
90 |
VII. Khirbet Mird |
91 |
VIII. Cairo Genizah |
92 |
3. Bibliographies of the Dead Sea Scrolls |
95 |
4. Survey Artides and Preliminary Reports on Unpublished Materials |
99 |
5. Lists of the Dead Sea Scrolls and Fragments |
105 |
6. Concordances, Dictionaries, and Grammars for the Study of the Dead Sea Scrolls |
7. Secondary Collections of Qumran Texts |
113 |
8. Translations of ửie Dead Sea Scrolls in Collectìons |
119 |
9. Outlines of Some of the Dead Sea Scrolls (with Select Bibliography) |
127 |
10. Select Bibliography on Some Topics of Dead Sea Scrolls Study |
149 |
I. Palaeography of ửie Dead Sea Scrolls |
152 |
II. Archaeology of the Dead Sea Scrolls |
153 |
III. The Old Testament at Qumran and Murabbacat |
157 |
IV. OldTestamentlnterpretatíonm |
Qumran Literature |
160 |
V. Qumran Theology |
162 |
VI. Qumran Messianism |
164 |
VII. The New Testament at Qumran? |
168 |
VIII. The Qumran Scrolls and the NewTestament |
173 |
A. Qumran Literature and Pauline Writmgs |
176 |
B. Qưmran Literatưre and |
Johannine Writìngs |
178 |
IX. The Qumran Calendar and Related Problems |
180 |
A. The Qumran Calendar |
182 |
B. The Qurrtran Calendar and the Date of Passover in the New Testament |
183 |
X. History of the Quxnran Community |
187 |
11. The Copper Plaque Mentioning Buried Treasure |
12. Indexes |
189 |
I. Index of Modem Authors |
197 |
II. Index of Biblical Passages |
205 |
III. Index of Extrabiblical Passages |
239 |
IV. Index of the Dead Sea Scrolls according to Sigla, A |
241 |
V. Index of the Dead Seă Scrolls according to Sigla, B |
243 |