Encyclopedia of Catholic Doctrine | |
Tác giả: | Russell Shaw |
Ký hiệu tác giả: |
SH-R |
DDC: | 230.003 - Từ điển, Bách khoa từ điển về Kitô giáo |
Ngôn ngữ: | Anh |
Số cuốn: | 1 |
Hiện trạng các bản sách
Contributors |
ix |
Introduction |
xv |
Aborition |
1 |
Absolute Moral Norms |
5 |
Absolution |
7 |
Adult Baptism |
8 |
Adultery |
8 |
Angels |
9 |
Anglicanism |
10 |
Animals |
12 |
Annulment |
13 |
Anointing of the Sick |
15 |
Antichrist |
18 |
Apocrypha |
19 |
Apostasy |
19 |
Apostolate |
20 |
Apostolic succession |
25 |
Apparitions |
27 |
Ascension and Parousia |
29 |
Assembly, Liturgical |
31 |
Assent and Dissent |
32 |
Assisted Suicide |
34 |
Assumption of Mary |
34 |
Atheism |
36 |
Augustinianism |
39 |
Authority |
42 |
Avarice |
44 |
Baptism |
45 |
Baptism of Christ |
48 |
Beatific Vision |
50 |
Beatitudes |
51 |
Bishop |
54 |
Blasphemy |
55 |
Boasting |
56 |
Bride of Christ |
59 |
Buddhism |
59 |
Burial, Christian |
61 |
Canonization |
64 |
Canon Law |
66 |
Canon of Scripture |
70 |
Capital Punishment |
72\1 |
Capital sins |
74 |
Cardinal Virtues |
76 |
Care of the Dying |
77 |
Catechesis |
79 |
Chatechumen |
82 |
Catholic Identity |
83 |
Celebration, Liturgical |
85 |
Celibacy, Priestly |
87 |
Charisms |
88 |
Charity |
92 |
Chastity |
92 |
Choice |
93 |
Christian Witness |
93 |
Christological Controversies |
97 |
Church and State |
99 |
Church Buildings |
102 |
Church, Membership in |
104 |
Church, Nature , Origin, and Structure of |
105 |
Citizenship |
109 |
Civil Disobedience |
111 |
Civil Law |
111 |
Collegiality |
113 |
Commandments of the Church |
114 |
Common Good |
115 |
Communio |
118 |
Communio of Saints |
119 |
Cummunity Prayer |
120 |
Commutative Justice |
121 |
Concupiscence |
121 |
Confession |
123 |
Confirmation |
125 |
Confirmation, Age of |
129 |
Conscience |
129 |
Conscience and the Magisterium |
132 |
Conscience Formation |
136 |
Consecrated Life |
137 |
Consequentialism |
140 |
Contemplation |
140 |
Contraception |
142 |
Contrition |
145 |
Conversion of the Baptized |
147 |
Cooperaton |
149 |
Covetousness |
150 |
Creation |
152 |
Creed |
155 |
Cremation |
156 |
Deacon |
157 |
Death |
158 |
Death, Determination of |
160 |
Deontology |
162 |
Descent Into Hell |
163 |
Despair |
165 |
Deterrence |
167 |
Detraction and Calumny |
168 |
Development of Doctrine |
168 |
Devil and Evil Spirits |
170 |
Devotions |
171 |
Diabolical Possession |
172 |
Discernment |
175 |
Disparity of Cult |
178 |
Dissent |
179 |
Divination |
180 |
Divine Revelation |
181 |
Divorce |
185 |
Dogma |
186 |
Domestic Church |
187 |
Double Effect |
187 |
Ecclesial Rights and Duties |
189 |
Economy of Salvation |
192 |
Ecumenical Council |
192 |
Ecumenism |
193 |
Education in Human Sexuality |
194 |
End of Man |
197 |
Ensoulment |
198 |
Environment |
199 |
Envy |
201 |
Episcopal Conference |
201 |
Equivocation |
202 |
Eschaton |
202 |
Eternity |
203 |
Eucharist |
203 |
Eucharist Devotion |
207 |
Euthanasia |
209 |
Evangelical Counsels |
214 |
Evangelization |
215 |
Evil, Problem of |
219 |
Evolution |
219 |
Excommunication |
224 |
Ex opere Operato |
225 |
Exorcism |
225 |
Extraordinary Gifts |
226 |
Faith of the Church |
232 |
Faith, vitue of |
233 |
False Witness |
234 |
Family |
234 |
Fatherhood of God |
238 |
Final Perseverance |
239 |
Flattery |
240 |
Fornication |
240 |
Freedom, Human |
241 |
Freemasonry |
245 |
Fundamental option |
248 |
Funerals, Chirstian |
249 |
General Absolution |
252 |
Genetic Experimentation |
253 |
Gifts and Fruits of the Holy Spirit |
257 |
Gnosticism |
257 |
God, Nature and Attibutes of |
259 |
Grace |
263 |
Guardian Angles |
266 |
Hatred of God |
268 |
Health Care |
268 |
Heaven |
273 |
Hedonism |
275 |
Hell |
274 |
Heresy |
277 |
Hierachy |
278 |
Hinduism |
280 |
Holy Days of Obligation |
282 |
Holy Orders |
282 |
Holy See |
286 |
Homicide |
290 |
Homily |
294 |
Homosexuality |
296 |
Hope |
300 |
Human Experimentation |
300 |
Human Goods |
302 |
Human Life, Dignity and Sanctity of |
303 |
Human Person |
307 |
Human Race, Creation and Destiny of |
311 |
Human Virtues |
312 |
Humility |
313 |
Hypostatic Union |
313 |
Idolatry |
316 |
Imago Dei |
316 |
Immaculate Conception |
319 |
Immortality |
312 |
Incarnation |
322 |
Incest |
324 |
Inculturation |
324 |
Indissolubility of Marrigage |
326 |
Indulgences |
328 |
Inerrancy |
332 |
Infallibility |
332 |
Infant Baptism |
334 |
In Persona Christi Capitis |
335 |
Inspiration |
335 |
Interdependence |
336 |
Islam |
336 |
Jansenism |
339 |
Jesus Christ, God and Man |
341 |
Jesus Christ, Human Knowledge of |
346 |
Jesus Christ, Life of |
349 |
Judaism |
352 |
Judaism in Catholic Doctrine |
357 |
Judgment, Paricular |
360 |
Justification |
361 |
Kingdom of God |
363 |
Knowledge of God |
365 |
Laity |
368 |
Last Rites |
369 |
Last Things |
369 |
Law of Christ |
372 |
Legalism |
376 |
Lex Orandi, Lex Credendi |
378 |
Liberation From Sin |
379 |
Liberation Theology |
379 |
Limbo |
383 |
Liturgical Year |
384 |
Liturgy of the Hours |
389 |
Lord’s Day |
390 |
Lust |
391 |
Lying |
392 |
Magic |
396 |
Magisterium |
396 |
Manichaeism |
399 |
Marian Devotion |
401 |
Marks of the Church |
405 |
Marriage |
406 |
Marriage, Covenant |
409 |
Marriage, Goods of |
410 |
Marriage in the Old Testament |
413 |
Marryrdom |
416 |
Mary, Mother of God |
418 |
Mary, Mother of the Church |
423 |
Mary, Perpetual Virginity of |
427 |
Mass |
430 |
Masturbation |
433 |
Media of Social Commuications |
434 |
Meditation |
437 |
MEntal Reservation |
439 |
Metanoia |
439 |
Millenrianism |
440 |
Ministry |
440 |
Miracles |
443 |
Missionary Activity |
446 |
Mixed Marriages |
448 |
Moernism |
449 |
Modes of Responsibility |
450 |
Modesty |
451 |
Moral Principles, Christian |
452 |
Mortal Sin |
456 |
Mystical Body of Christ |
456 |
Mysticism |
457 |
Nativity |
459 |
Natural Family Planning |
460 |
Natural Law |
463 |
Neoplatonism |
466 |
New Age |
468 |
New Covenant |
470 |
New Testament |
472 |
Nonviolence |
473 |
Occasions of Sin |
475 |
Old Covenant |
475 |
Old Law |
477 |
Old Testament |
478 |
Omnipotence |
478 |
Omniscience |
480 |
Ordinary Magisterium |
481 |
Original Sin |
381 |
Orthodox Churches |
485 |
Passions |
489 |
Patrology |
489 |
Penance and Reconciliation Sacrament of |
491 |
Penance in Christian Life |
495 |
People of God |
498 |
Perjury |
499 |
Phenomenology |
499 |
Pluralism |
502 |
Politics |
504 |
Pope |
507 |
Population |
509 |
Positivism |
512 |
Practical Reason |
512 |
Prayer |
512 |
Prayer of Petition |
516 |
Preferential Option for the Poor |
518 |
Prenatal Diagnosis |
520 |
Presumption |
520 |
Pride |
521 |
Priest |
522 |
Priesthood in the Old Testament |
524 |
Priesthood of the Faithful |
531 |
Private Revelation |
532 |
Probabilism |
534 |
Process Theology |
535 |
Property |
536 |
Prophecy |
540 |
Proportionalism |
541 |
Protestantism |
542 |
Providence |
546 |
Purgatory |
550 |
Purity |
552 |
Quietism |
554 |
Racism |
556 |
Rape |
559 |
Rash Judgment |
559 |
Rationalism |
560 |
Real Presence |
560 |
Redemption |
564 |
Relativism |
568 |
Religion, Virtue of |
570 |
Religious liberty |
573 |
Reproductive Technologies |
576 |
Restitution |
579 |
Resurrection of Christ |
579 |
Resurrection of the Dead |
582 |
Revolution |
584 |
Rites |
584 |
Rosary |
586 |
Sacrament |
588 |
Sacramental Grace |
592 |
Sacramentals |
593 |
Sacraments of Initiation |
595 |
Sacraments of the Dead |
596 |
Sacraments of the Living |
596 |
Sacred Art |
597 |
Sacred Music |
598 |
Sacred Scripture |
600 |
Sacred Tradition |
603 |
Sacrifice |
606 |
Sacrilege |
610 |
Satisfaction |
611 |
Schism |
611 |
Science and the Church |
612 |
Secrets |
615 |
Seminary |
617 |
Servile Work |
621 |
Sex Abuse |
621 |
Sexism |
622 |
Sexuality, Huamn |
623 |
Simony |
626 |
Sin |
627 |
Sins Against the Holy Spirit |
630 |
Situation Ethics |
631 |
Slander |
631 |
Slavery |
632 |
Social Doctrine |
634 |
Socialization |
639 |
Social Justice |
639 |
Soul |
641 |
Spiritual Exegesis |
642 |
Sponsor, Baptismal |
645 |
States in Life |
645 |
Stealing |
646 |
Sterilization |
647 |
Stewardship |
649 |
Subjectivism |
650 |
Subsidiariry |
650 |
Suffering in Christian Life |
651 |
Suicide |
654 |
Superstition |
654 |
Synderesis |
655 |
Synod of Bishops |
656 |
Taoism |
657 |
Teleological Ethics |
658 |
Temptation |
662 |
Temptation of Christ |
662 |
Tempting God |
664 |
Ten Commandments |
665 |
Theological Virtues |
669 |
Theology of the Body |
670 |
Theosophy |
674 |
Thomas Aquinas, Thought of |
677 |
Thomism |
681 |
Trinity |
682 |
Truthfullness |
685 |
Uniersal Destination of Goods |
690 |
Usury |
690 |
Utilitarianism |
691 |
Venial Sin |
692 |
Viaticum |
692 |
Vices |
693 |
Vocal Prayer |
693 |
Vocation |
684 |
War |
700 |
Women, ecclesial and Social Roles of |
702 |
Women, Ordination of |
705 |
Work |
707 |
Works of Mercy |
710 |
Worship |
710 |
Index |
713 |