Tác giả: Alan C. Mitchell
Ký hiệu tác giả: MI-A
DDC: 227.87 - Thư Hipri
Ngôn ngữ: Anh
Tập - số: Vol 13
Số cuốn: 3

Hiện trạng các bản sách

Mã số: 617BC0005469
Nhà xuất bản: Michael Glazier
Năm xuất bản: 2007
Khổ sách: 27
Số trang: 357
Kho sách: Ban Thần
Tình trạng: Hiện có
Mã số: 617BC0005470
Nhà xuất bản: Michael Glazier
Năm xuất bản: 2007
Khổ sách: 27
Số trang: 357
Kho sách: Ban Thần
Tình trạng: Hiện có
Mã số: 617BC0007757
Nhà xuất bản: Michael Glazier
Năm xuất bản: 2007
Khổ sách: 22
Số trang: 357
Kho sách: Ban Triết
Tình trạng: Hiện có
» Thêm vào danh sách tác phẩm yêu thích
Editor's Preface xi
Preface xiii
Abbreviations xv
1.  Authorship 2
2.  Destination 6
3.  Date 7
4.  Audience 11
5.  Genre 13
a.   Letter/Epistle 14
b.   Homily 14
c.   Exhortation 15
d.  Midrash 16
6.  Structure 17
a.   Thematic Structure 17
b.   Non-Thematic Structure 18
7.  Eschatology 21
8.  Conscience/Consciousness of Sin in Hebrews 23
9.  The Priesthood of Christ and the Ministerial Priesthood 24
10.Hebrews and Anti-Semitism 25
11.General Bibliography 28
Translation, Notes, Interpretation  
1.  A God Who Speaks (1:1-4) 35
I. Jesus, Son Crowned with glory  as a result of his suffering and death    
2. The Son and the Angels (1:5-14) 46
3. So Great a Salvation (2:1-4) 55
4. Subjecting All Things (2:5-9) 63
5. A Merciful and Faithful High Priest (2:10-18) 72
II.  Jesus, Apostle and High Priest:  
A Model of Faith and Hope (3:1-6:20)  
6. Worthy of More Glory than Moses (3:1-6) 80
7. Rebellion in the Wilderness (3:7-19) 86
8. Strive to Enter that Rest (4:1-13) 94
9. A Great High Priest (4:14-5:10) 104
10. Food for the Mature (5:11-6:3) 115
11. Going on to Maturity (6:4-12) 123
12. The Surety of God's Oath (6:13-20) 131
III.The Message for the Mature:  
Another Priest Like Melchizedek (7:1-10:39)  
13. Melchizedek and Abraham (7:1-10) 138
14. A Priest in the Likeness of Melchizedek (7:11-19) 144
15. A Priest Forever (7:20-28) 152
16. Jesus, the High Priest (8:1-6) 159
17. The New Covenant (8:7-13) 167
18. The Ritual of the First Covenant (9:1-10) 172
19. The Ritual of the New Covenant (9:11-14) 181
20. The Death of the Mediator (9:15-22) 187
21. Sacrifices of the New Covenant (9:23-28) 193
22. The Once for All Sacrifice of the New Covenant (10:1-18) 198
23. The Call to Approach (10:19-25) 210
24. A Warning of Judgment (10:26-31) 215
25. A Note of Hope (10:32-39) 222
IV. Heroic Faith and Discipline of Suffering (11:1—12:13) ix
26. The Assuranca of faith 227
27.  The Faith of Abraham, Sarah, and Their Descendants (11:8-12) 235
28.  The Desire for a Better Country (11:13-16) 239
29. Abraham to Joseph (11:17-22) 243
30.  Moses and the Exodus Generation (11:23-31) 249
31.  The Faith of the Persecuted (11:32-40) 256
32.  Looking to Jesus (12:1-3) 264
33.  The Discipline of Suffering (12:4-13) 270
V. Warnings and Exhortations (12:14-13:19)  
34.  A Warning Against Godlessness (12:14-17) 277
35.  A Comparison Between Mount Sinai and Mount Zion (12:18-24) 281
36.  A Consuming Fire (12:25-29) 287
37.  Final Exhortations (13:1-6) 292
38.  Offering a Sacrifice of Praise (13:7-19) 297
39.  Benediction and Farewell Greetings (13:20-25) 307
Scripture and Other Ancient Writings Authors 313